Chapter one- Home?

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Hey guys! This was the 3rd fanfiction that I wrote. I like to believe I've developed and learned new things throughout writing all those stories, so the newer they are, the better grammar, punctuation, and vocabulary they have. Thanks for being with me! xx, Lotta.

I'm reposting this... It sucks, and I'm pretty sure a few chapters have been reported or sth, so read at your own risk. This is cringy and BAD!


Betty's POV

I try really hard to hide my tears while dad was driving us to our new "home". He grew up in Riverdale, but we've never been here before.

Mom died a month ago. Tomorrow starts school. My sophomore year.

I look at Polly, who is my sister, sitting in the front of the car. She's 16 and so beautiful. But incredibly bitchy around me and other people. Except for dad. She's always been his favorite, and so she's always a little angel around him.

I can feel a hand on my shoulder. I look at Chic who's sitting in the back too, the middle seat in between us empty.

He unlinks his seatbelt fastly and sits in the middle seat and puts it on again, not letting dad notice, cause he would beat him up, hard.

He puts his hands around me and I hide my face into his shoulder so that dad wouldn't see that I'm crying.

"Shh, Betty. It's okay," Chic whispers while holding me and kissing my hair. He's 17. Two years older than me. He hates dad as much as I do and also doesn't like Polly, just like me.

I try to hold my sobs back, but they escape. Luckily the radio is playing and they can't hear us.

"I'm scared," I cry.

"I know Betty," he whispers and kisses my forehead, "But we have to do it," he says.

"What if dad will kill me next?" I cry.

Only the four of us know, what happened with mom. That dad killed her with a knife into her stomach, when they were fighting. The others know that she was in a car accident, that dad made after killing mom.

"He won't. I promise," he says.

I believe him. He had always protected me from everyone. He loves me and I love him.

I look at him again, still crying. He wipes away my tears and kisses my forehead.

I take a few deep breaths and then look out of the window.

"And kids. We're in Riverdale," dad says with a big and evil smirk.

Me and Chic sigh and look out of the window, while my head is on his shoulder and his arms around me and chin on my head.

The town sees pretty nice actually. People seem friendly, as we drive pass them. Though they all look at us, and I don't blame them, as it's a small down and we're new.

We drive pass our school, Pop's, which is some diner as I understand and then around our neighborhood.

The houses look nice. Dad parks the car in front of one very beautiful house, only seems to need some light and warmth inside.

Our old home was cute and comfy. Not because of my mom though, but because of me. Mom always let dad hurt us and her. But I still loved her and she loved me. It's not like I can say the same thing about my dad.

We all exit the car and take our stuff.

"Your rooms are upstairs, pick out which one you want," dad says looking at me and Chic.

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