Chapter ninety six- Anniversary

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*April 11th*

Betty's POV

I feel someone playing with my hair. I smile a little against Jug's neck and look up at him. He smiles back at me.

"Morning baby," he says.

"Morning," I say with a smile. I kiss his lips softly but passionately.

After we pull away, he kisses my forehead.

"I love you so much," he says.

"I love you too," I sigh with a smile, placing my head back under his chin.

He holds my head there securely while fondling my hair. I bring my shoulders closer to my chin and keep hugging him.

He kisses my hair, "Are you cold?" he asks. I nod my head.

He leaves his hand on my hair, but his other arm that was under me, he brings up, so that my head is on his biceps and his arm around me.

I climb as close to him as possible and look up at him. He smiles at me with his lower lip over his upper. I chuckle.

"You're soooo cute," he says and kisses my nose. I smile and peck his lips.

"And I'm still cold," I say.

He sighs and caresses my cheek with his thumb, "How?" he asks concerned.

I sigh, "I don't know, just hold me," I say and put my head back. He chuckles quietly and kisses my hair. Then he pulls me so close to him and I melt into his body and sigh in relief.

"Thanks, Juggie," I giggle.

"No problem," he giggles at my giggle.

*Time pass*

I go into Ellie's room. She's standing in her crib, leaning against the bars.

"Morning baby," I say.

"Mama," she says happily and streches her arms out. I chuckle and lift her up. She puts her head on my neck and I kiss her hair.

"Daddy should change your diapers," I say.

"Dada," she giggles.

"Yeah, daddy not mommy," I smirk and start changing her. The whole time she's moving, what makes it hard.

"Okay," I chuckle and kiss her forehead and take her on my lap again.

She giggles and puts her arms around my neck. I kiss her hair and walk downstairs with her.

"Morning Ellie," Jug says and kisses her forehead.

"Dada," Ellie says. We chuckle and he kisses her hair.

I put her in her chair and give her a boddle of milk. She takes it and starts drinking. I kiss her hair and she smiles at me.

I walk to Jug and put my arms around his torso from the back. He chuckles and turns his head a little and I kiss his lips.

"I'm taking you two to somewhere today," he says.

I chuckle, "Baby I can't, I have to work today," I say.

"Baby it's totally fine if you give them their bikes or cars one day later," he says.

I sigh with a smile, "And where?" I ask.

"Two hours away from here," he smirks.

I start to smile so big and he chuckles at my face, "We haven't been there soo long," I say.

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