Chapter fourty five- School is hell (Part 1)

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*Time pass, the next monday*

Jughead's POV

I wake up to Betty moving around fastly in my arms and sobbing. I sigh and open my eyes. It's been going on for a whole week.

I kiss her forehead, "Betty," I sigh, "I know that you can hear me. I know that you think that we need sleep, but just open your eyes. I love you and I'd better be up all night then watch you getting hurt," I whisper and kiss her nose.

She stops sobbing, but is still crying and wiggling.

"Baby it's okay. I'm here. No one will do anything to you," I whisper.

She opens her eyes and looks at me with tired and scared eyes.

I sigh and kiss her forehead. I pull her head back against my neck and she cries into it while I fondle her hair.

"I need to get more pills," she cries.

"No. You already took one in the evening. It's dangerous," I say and kiss her hair.

She looks up at me, "But it's not working. People say that it basically turns your brain out. But it doesn't work with me," she cries.

"I know," I sigh. She rises her head and looks at me, "I'll go downstairs," she says and starts to get up, but I don't let her.

"To do what?" I ask.

"Sleep on the couch," she cries looking into my eyes.

I sigh and look deeply into her eyes, "You can't sleep without me. And I can't sleep without you. If you're not sleeping than neither am I," I say.

She sighs, "I can't sleep at night. In the day, about 2 hours. But at night I can't," she cries.

I kiss her forehead, "Do you wanna go and watch a movie or something?" I ask her.

She sighs, "You sleep," she says, putting her hand on my cheek.

I put my hand on her hand and kiss her lips softly, "Let's go," I say and we both get up.

She's shaking, so I take my pillow and our blanket and hand her her pillow. She chuckles at me, but takes it and kisses my lips for a second.

I walk to our closet and take two of my hoodies. Then we go downstairs.

"Do you wanna eat something?" I ask her.

She chuckles and nods. I smile, "Okay, you pick the movie," I say.

"Do you wanna watch horror?" she asks me.

I furrow my eyebrows, "Are you sure? You have enough horror in your life," I say and kiss her nose.

"Yes," she chuckles. I smile and put all our stuff on the couch. I go into the kitchen and make some popcorn and take 2 cans of mountain dew from the fridge.

Then I go back into the living room. Betty's under our blanket, half sitting, half lying on the couch. I chuckle and give her one bowl of popcorn. She smiles with her tired eyes and takes it. I put all the other stuff on the table in front of us and sit down next to her.

Well.. I lie down on the couch and pull her in my arms. She chuckles and gives the popcorn to me, so that when my arms is holding her, I can hold the popcorn and we both can eat.

She puts the movie on and we start watching.

*Time pass, 1h*

"Baby, can you give me my drink?" I ask.

"It's empty," she chuckles and looks at me. We ate all the popcorn and as I can get now, we drank all our mountain dew too.

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