Chapter sixty eight- Christmas (Part 3)

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Betty's POV

"Do the others know about this place now?" I ask Jug, as I'm laying on his biceps, on my side, looking at him, both of us naked, sheets pulled up to our waists.

"No. They know that I did something like that, but they don't know where," he says softly and kisses my nose.

"Do you ever want to tell them? Or let them see the house?" I ask with a smirk.

"Maybe. Maybe not," he chuckles, "It's our place. So.. The only people I would show this place immediatly are our kids," he smiles and waits for my reaction.

I smile and put my hand on his cheek, "You wanna have kids?" I ask softly.

"Do you?" he asks me while srill fondling my hair.

"I mean, yeah.. Just, we've never really talked about it," I say with a smile that is on his lips too.

He smiles, "Well, how many kids would you like?" he asks. His fingers in my hair relax me.

"I'm not sure. What about you?" I ask, my hand on his cheek.

"That's not my decision," he chuckles, "I don't have to give birth or be pregnant for 9 months," he chuckles.

I laugh at him, "I know. Just how many would you want?" I ask.

He shrugs his shoulders, "2?"

I smile and kiss his lips. After that I put my head under his chin, on his chest while my arms are still around him.

He chuckles and kisses my hair while tightening the grisp around me with his arms.

"And you?" he asks, looking down at me with a loving smile.

"1 or 2," I say. He chuckles and kisses my forehead.

"Do you think that mom and dad would be mad... If I'd get pregnant in high school?" I ask, looking up at him.

"Why are you asking? Are you?" he asks with a smile, not like any other guy.

I laugh, "No. But do you think they'd be mad? Would you be mad?" I ask.

"For what, making you pregnant?" he chuckles and kisses my hair, "And no. Mom and dad would definately not be mad. I think they'd be kinda happy actually," he says.

I chuckle, knowing that it's true.

"And you? Would you be okay with it? Not mad at me?" he asks.

I spoon his face from his chest and kiss his lips softly, "I'd be happy. That kid would be a part of me AND part of you. Best thing ever," I say.

He smiles and kisses my forehead, "So you would be okay with having a baby, while still in high school?" he asks.

"I mean.. I would still go to school and you would too. But she or he could be with mom and dad ot any of the serpents actually," I chuckle, "And being pregnant in high school is not that bad either.. No one has the courage to bully me," I smirk.

He laughs and kisses my lips, "Great, cause we didn't use a rubber," he says.

My eyes widen and I start to laugh, "You're right," I say. He chuckles with me.

"You really wanna be a dad, huh?" I ask, looking into his eyes.

"Yup," he smiles down at me.

"I love you so much," I say and kiss him. But then I remember something and pull away, "What about marriage?" I ask.

"I'll ask you when we're both 18, I promise," he says.

I chuckle, "Dope," I say, though I see that he's genuinely believing it.

*Time pass*

He's carving today's date into our tree. I chuckle, seeing how many dates here actually are. I'm sitting on his lap, the same way as always, our stomighs against each other and my legs not around him, but just, relaxed.

He puts the knife back into his pocket and then his arms around me. I raise my head up from his shoulder and look at him, my hands on his neck.

"Look at how many times we've been here since this summer," I chuckle.

"And before that," he says and points on another branch.

"When did you manage to do that? Where did you get all the dates?" I chuckle, shocked, when I see all the dates.

"When you were in the hospital. I left only one time. I told the others that I need to go somewhere... And I came here," he says, while fondling my hair.

"And where did you get the dates?" I ask.

"We came here every weekend baby," he chuckles and kisses my nose. I chuckle and peck his lips.

Then I rest my head back on his shoulser and close my eyes, as he's fondling my hair and holding me really close to him.

*Time pass*

"Hey! We're home!" I yell while throwing my coat on a chair.

"Hey. How did you like your present?" Toni smirks.

I raise my eyebrows, "I thought that you never wanna show them," I say, looking at Jug.

He chuckles, "I don't. I sent them photos. But they don't know the place" he continues.

I smile and peck his lips. Then we sit down on the couch and look at what they're doing.

They're eating and watching a christmas movie. Nice. That I can handle. I take my shoes off and curl up on Jug's lap. He chuckles and kisses my hair while pulling me against him and placing his arms around my torso and legs.

I rest my head on his shoulder and then look at him. He looks at me and we both smile softly. I kiss his lips for a second and then put my head back on his shoulder.

"I love you," I sigh with a smile.

"I know," he smirks with my words and kisses my hair while fondling it with one hand.

We both look at the TV, though we see our parents looking at us with smiles.

He's still holding me and fondling my hair and my arms are still around him and my head on his shoulder. He makes me feel so safe and loved. And I love him so much.

I close my eyes and he kisses my forehead, seeing that I wanna sleep. And he lets me.

I'm gonna marry him someday.

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