Chapter twenty- The land of love (Part 1)

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Betty's POV

Jug has just put the tent up and I put all the stuff inside it, like our bags, the food, matresses and blankets and more stuff like that. Yes, it's a huge tent, probably for like 4 persons.

Jug is sitting outside, on a blanket, next to another blanket, filled with food. I smile at him and sit next to him. He pulls me on his lap though and I kiss his cheek.

I sigh with a smile, "What do you wanna eat first?" I ask.

He chuckles, "Food," he says.

"Yeah, what else there is to eat?" I chuckle.

"You," he whispers with a smile and statts planting soft kisses on my neck. I chuckle and push his head away.

"Let's eat some food first then. It's like 10, so we have to go to sleep soon," I say.

"Why?" he smirks, "We have 2 weeks off of school. And can sleep as much as we want, any time we want," he asks.

I giggle a little and kiss his lips softly. Then we start eating and talking about everything.

*Time pass, 2 hours*

"Juggie, I'm kinda cold. Can we go into the tent?" I ask Jug.

"Yeah, sure," he smiles and gets up, which makes me get up too, cause I was on his lap.

We already ate the food, so he only grabs the blanket with us and tosses it in the corner of our tent. I chuckle and open my bag.

"What are you doing?" he whispers, literally into my ear, placing his arms around me, squatting down behing me.

I chuckle and turn my head to look at him, "Looking for clothes to sleep in, so that I wouldn't be cold," I say and kiss his lips softly.

"You know, transferring body heat is the best.." he says.

I smile, "I still wanna cuddle you, don't worry," I chuckle.

He sighs with a smile and kisses my neck softly. I pull out one of my long pajamas and his hoodie.

He pulls on his long pajamas too and we both start changing. He changes faster though.

When I'm only in my pants and bra, I can feel arms pulling me down. I chuckle and let him pull me on top of him.

I'm facing him, lying on top of him. I giggle and kiss his lips softly. His arms are really warm around me, so I'm not even cold right now.

Then I push myself off and take off my bra and put on my shirt and his hoodie.

He smiles big, when I get next to him, in the double sized sleeping bag. We cuddle each other and start making out and talking about stuff.

About 30 minutes later, I'm starting to get cold. But I also don't want to put on more clothes, or I'll get sweaty.

"Baby, you cold?" Jug whispers, looking at me with a concerned face.

"Yeah," I sigh while shaking. He looks concerned, still fondling my hair. But then he stops and puts his hands on my thighs and pulls me on top of him.

I giggle a little, and curl up around him, placing my legs around his torso and arms around his neck. I melt into his body and kiss his lips softly. Then I place my head on his neck and close my eyes.

He chuckles and kisses my hair, "Night baby. I love you,"

"I love you too Juggie," I smile and look up at him, opening my eyes.

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