Chapter fifty three- I need to talk to you

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Betty's POV

Hey! I need to talk to you. It has nothing to do with the ghoulies or the serpents or our family. I'm worried about Emily. Be at the Wyrm 5PM, if you're coming. Betty

I sigh and send the message to Chic. I don't wanna talk to him, but I guess I have to.

"What are you going to say to him?" Jug asks, as we're lying on our bed, his arms aroiund me.

I sigh and look at him, "I'm not sure yet," I say, "I don't want for them, to get back together, if Chic really is like Hal now," I say and look down, tears starting to roll down my cheeks.

He sighs and rises my head up, "I know, that he was different before. And I'm sorry about him," he says, caressing my cheek with his thumb.

He kisses my forehead softly, while still holding his hand on my cheek. He wipes one of my tears away with his thumb.

"You haven't cried for so long," he sighs.

I smile a little, "I know," I say while crying. He pulls me against him and I sigh with tears. I don't wanna cry, but I also kinda want to.

I hide my face into the crook of his neck and he kisses my hair while I cry.

*Time pass*

Me and Jug enter the bar, hand in hand.

"HEY!" I hear Sweets yelling. Everyone looks at us and my smile grows. I've been missing them.

"Hey," we both chuckle as our lunch gang is running to us.

Fangs wraps me in his arms immediatly and I hug back. Then I hug Sweets, Joaquin and Kev. And some of the other serpents.

"How was the trip?" Sweet Pea asks as we're all sitting around one table. I sit on Jug's lap and he kisses my temple.

"Great," we both just say.

"Oh come on," Fangs laughs. We all laugh.

"Wait, we can continue this, but one second," I say and pull Jughead up with me. We go on the stage and I take the mic.

"Hey guys. Meeting today at 6, don't miss it and get the others informed," I say with a big smile. I've also been missing this stage.

We make our way back to the guys and for that time Toni and Cheryl are here.

"Hey," I smile as I sit on Jug's lap again.

"Hi," they chuckle, "Why a meeting?" Cheryl asks.

"To talk about all what happened with you guys in the summer.. Buut," I start and everyone in our table looks at us.

"Tomorrow is labor day," I start.

"I'm so in," Kevin says. We all laugh and the others nod.

"What you guys have in mind?" Toni asks with a smile, from Cheryl's lap.

"We're not sure. Just wanted to spend it with you guys," Jug says and we all smile and nod.

I turn my head and look into Jug's eyes. He starts to chuckle and nods. I peck his lips and the look back at the others, while Jug's arms are tightly around me and caressing my body.

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