Chapter thirty two- MOM? (Part 1)

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Betty's POV

"MOM?" I ask shocked.

She smiles a little and nods. I see FP coming on the stage, totally shocked. And Jug has the same face as he does, looking at my mom.

"That's not possible," I whisper to myself, but I guess that everyone hears me, cause they all look at me, "That's fake, right? Just another one of my stupid nightmares," I ask Jug.

He shakes his head, looking shocked, "No," he says.

I can feel my nails going into my palms over a very long time. Jug stands up from the chair and comes to me, "Baby, no," he says and takes my hands.

I sigh, still staring at my mom. I can't relax my hands.

"Look at me," he says. I can't. I'm terrified. How can she be alive?

Jug takes my chin and slowly turns my head to face him. He kisses my forehead, "Relax," he says.

I sigh and finally relax my hands. He opens my fist and looks at my palms.

"Okay," he sighs with a little smile and kisses my hair, "Don't do it," he says.

I nod and look back at my mom. She looks sad and I don't know why. I walk to her slowly and touch her cheek. Wow, she's really here. I can feel my tears.

"Honey, I'm," she starts, but I pull her into a hug immediatly, what stops her. She hugs me back tightly. I'm crying into her shoulder, as I'm almost as tall as she is.

All the serpents start whooping and supporting the reuniting. We both smile and pull away. She wipes my tears away and while holding my head from both sides, kisses my forehead.

"I thought you were dead," I whisper while crying and hugging her again. She pulls away.

Her eyes widen, "What?" she asks confused, holding me from my shoulders.

"He stabbed you. And we all went to your funeral. And," I start, but she looks shocked.

"You thought that I was dead? I thought that you ran away," she says, while fondling my hair.

Every serpent is quiet now and confused, "How did you know how to come here? I've never told you about Riverdale," she asks sad and confused.

"I didn't. Dad said that it's were he grew up. But he's dead now. And," I start.

"Your father is dead?!" she asks shocked.

I nod, waiting for her reaction. She sighs in relief. I chuckle and wipe my tears away.

"Wait, who are you living with? I know that Chic is in New York.." she says.

My eyes widen, "How do you know that?" I ask.

"I asked first, who are you living with?" she asks.

I sigh and turn around. I see FP still looking at mom with widened eyes. Then I look back at mom and hshe has the exact same reaction as she sees him. They both smile a little.

"Him," I smile and look back at mom.

She raises her eyebrows and looks back at FP. FP smiles with puppy eyes. I smirk at Jug and he does the same. So I walk to him and he hugs me from my back, resting his head on my shoulder. I chuckle and kiss his cheek.

By that time, FP and mom are hugging. So tightly. All the serpents start to whoop.

"Cover your ears," Jug whispers.

"What?" I chuckle. He sighs with a smile and puts his hands on my ears. I chuckle.

"ALL HAIL THE QUEEN!" he yells and then lets my ears go and puts his arms back around me.

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