Chapter seventy two- The graduation (Part 2)

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Betty's POV

About 5 minutes later we hear Cheryl's name. All the serpents get up and start screaming. Cheryl chuckles, gets up, a little doubtful, but at least she does it.

We scream all the way she goes there, when she takes the diploma and all the way back. She chuckles at us.

Then comes Sweet Pea's name. We yell just as loud.

*Time pass, 40 minutes*

"Forsythe Pendelton Jones the third," I hear a name. Everyone shuts up, thinking about who it is.

"His name is Jughead!" Fangs and Sweet Pea yell together. We all chuckle.

"Well, Jughead Jones, then," the principal says. Jug keeps sitting.

"What an idiot" I sigh and then put hands around my mouth. The others chuckle at me.

"Juggie," I yell. He looks back at me with a concerned face. I chuckle at him and look with a 'You have to do it, baby' face.

He sighs, looking at me and gets up. We all start laughing and screaming as the others are just clapping.

*Time pass*

"You're an idiot," I say as I pull Jug into a hug after the ceremony, "But I'm proud of you," I say with a smile.

He chuckles and kisses my hair. Then I hug Cheryl and she hugs me so hard. And then Sweet Pea, Josie, Fangs and Val.

After that I walk back to Jug and he puts his arms around me as I do the same.

"This hell is finally over, right?" I chuckle, using worda that he did last summer.

"Yes," he sighs with a smile. I chuckle and peck his lips.

"Gosh, you make high school something to look forward," JB says with a sarcastic voice. We all laugh.

"Don't wait. Enjoy as long as you can," Jug says. JB sighs and we all chuckle.

"Don't listen to them," mom says and kisses JB's hair. We chuckle.

"Let's go to the bar," dad says. We all nod with smiles and they hop on their motorcycles. They already start going, but Jug doesn't so I stay behind too.

I look at him and raise my eyebrows with a sad smile, "What's wrong?" I ask, as he pulls me into his embrace, people surrounding us. I put my arms around him too and look up at him.

"What's wrong baby?" I ask, as I see that he looks worried.

"Are you sure about this?" he sighs.

"About what?" I ask.

"Me leaving for college," he says sadly.

I sigh and look down. He raises my head up and sees my tears. His eyes look even sadder and he wipes my tears away and kisses my forehead.

"I can do online college y'know.. That's how I could be with you and the serpents," he says while fondling my hair.

I shake my head, "I want for you to have a normal college life. And I'll be fine," I say with a sad smile.

He sighs, "A normal college life would be going on parties and going out with every girl you see," he smirks.

I chuckle, "The first part I'm okay with," I smirk. He chuckles and kisses my lips for a second.

"Really. I'm worried about you. Even if I have to be away for one night with the serpents, you can't sleep. And I want for you to have a normal life," he says sadly.

I chuckle and spoon his face, "Baby, I'm gonna be fine. Plus we just talked with Toni, and as she's not used to sleeping alone as well, we're gonna share a bed. That feels safer for me too," I say.

He chuckles and kisses my hair, "I don't know baby," he says with a concerned face.

"Juggie, I'll be fine," I say with a smile.

He sighs and kisses my forehead, "Let's just go to the bar and talk there, okay?" he asks.

I chuckle and peck his lips. We both hop on our motorcycles and ride towards the bar.

*Time pass*

As we go into the bar, hand in hand everyone starts clapping. I'm guessing that they did it to all the graduaters. I smile and kiss Jug's cheek as we make our way to the stage.

As we get on the stage, we both look for the mic, trying to get it before the other one.

I see it and he sees it in the same moment, cause we both run towards it. The others shut up, probably wondering, what are we doing.

We reach the mic and both basically jump towards it. But we both hit the table with our hands instead. And the mic falls on the floor on the other side of the table.

"F*ck," we both say in unison and run to it.

We grab it in the same time and I smirk at him as he does the same, the mic in both of our hands.

"No, I'm first," I say.

"No, what? That's unfair, they're just honna vote for you.." he says.

I chuckle, "Fine, be first, they're still gonna vote for me," I say and let go of the mic.

"We'll see that," he smirks as he sits down on the chair on the stage and pulld me on his lap.

I smirk and shake my head, "So, guys.." Jug starts.

"Don't listen to him," I say into the mic rapidly.

They all laugh at us, as he puts his hand on my mouth and kisses my hair.

"Anyways.. You all know, how I was planning on going away to college.." he says.

I look mad and pull his hand off of my mouth, "And he's still planning on doing that," I say madly, looking at him.

He chuckles, "What do you all think, if I'd do online school?" he asks.

"Booooo!" all the serpents yell, some of them shocked.

"Told ya," I chuckle and peck his lips.

"Not finished yest," he says into the mic and they shut up, "That would be the only way, that I could protect all of you. And you," he says looking at my family and then looking at me, "And you," he sighs.

I sigh and rest my head on his shoulder, "You're making it so much harder every minute," I say.

He chuckles and kisses my hair. "So?" he asks me, with a concerned face.

I sigh and look at mom and dad "Please help me," I say.

They smile sadly, "We can't. That's the one thing, that you have to figure out together," mom says.

I sigh and look at Jug, "Tell you what.." I say, placin one of mh ands on his cheek, which makes him smile adprably, "You're in college for half a year... And if you still don't like it, you're coming home," I say, really hoping that he is okay wirh that.

He sighs and kisses my hair, "Okay," he says. Everyone starts clapping and we chuckle as I kiss his lips.

"Two months," I say as I pull away.

He sighs and kisses my forehead while fondling my hair.

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