Chapter fifteen- Sunday (Part 3)

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Jughead's POV

"What do you want mom?" I ask. Jelly's eyes widen.

"What?" she asks and steps back with teard in her eyes. Betty sighs on my lap and pulls Jellybean more close to us.

"How did you know to come here?" Betts asks.

"I'm not dumb. If you say you're living with FP, but you have a house next door, then obviously you are living here," she says and comes closer to us.

Betty tenses up and dad starts talking, "Why did you come here?" he angry.

"To say hi to my children of course," she says and looks at JB who's crying. She sits next to me and I put one of my hands around her.

"I don't want to see you," she says.

"Oh, you do.. Take it from Elizabeth. Do you think, that she's happy to not see her parents ever again?" Gladys says.

"Who's Elizabeth?" Jelly asks and looks confused while wiping her tears.

"Me," Betty chuckles and then looks at my mom, "I would like to see my mom again. But not my dad. And I'm guessing that she wants to see her dad. But not her mom," she says.

"Who are you to talk? Your dad has been hitting you for years," Gladys says.

Dad stands up, "And how would you know that?" he asks furiously.

"I told you, that I have a son. He is the father," Gladys says.

My eyes widen and so do Betty's. We look at each other, both shocked.

"And dad didn't hit you?" Chic asks from my mom.

"Never," Gladys says, "She loved me. Not Alice. And she wanted to make her and your life hell," she says.

Betty starts crying, "What's wrong with you?" she asks, "We were starving our whole life. He punched us every single day. Why couldn't you help us?" she cries.

"Have you ever thought, why Polly was treated differently?" Gladys asks with a smirk.

"We did. But not anymore. She looks exactly like you," Chic says in disgust.

"Yes. She lived with you, just to make you suffer more and think about how bad you two are," she laughs. Betty starts crying more.

"That's it," dad says.

"I'm not finished yet," she says.

"Yes you are," Toni and Cheryl say in unison.

"Go to hell. I never want to see you again," Jellybean cries.

Gladys -I'm not calling her mom ever again- says, "You are not going to live with the Lodges. You are going to live with me," and smirks at Betty.

"Over my dead body," I say and dad takes her wrists.

She laughs, "Then I suppose you find a way to die. Because the paperwork is done, and you are coming to live with me in New York. I also got Polly," she says, "As she is still my daughter," she chuckles.

Betty starts sobbing and hides her face into my shirt. I kiss her head.

"Come on," Gladys says and pulls Betty off of my lap. Betty squeezes her nails into her palms, though she has the bandages on, I can see that the blood is coming again and then punches Gladys so hardly that she falls on the ground.

FP grabs Gladys' wrists and takes her out of the front door.

Betty looks at me with widened eyes full of fear, still crying and breathing rapidly, "I have to live with her," she says.

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