Chapter thirty four- The mud

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*Time pass, it's Saturday*

Jughead's POV

We're riding in some woods with Betty, on our motorcycles. It was raining yesterday, so everything is dirty and muddy and slimy.

But we don't care.. We ride for fun and basically compete with each other, who can get pass the other and stuff like that.

She suddenly comes around some corner and drives in front of me. Her rear tire spatters all the mud in front of me over me.

"Fuck," I laugh hardly and stop my bike I get off of it and take my helmet off as well.

Betty rides back to me and does the same. She laughs so hard at me and leans on her bike, "Nice job," she smirks.

"Here is nice job for you," I smirk and take my hands full of the mud and start throwing it towards her.

She starts running away from me, but I cath her finally and when I do, I wrap my arms around her. She giggles adorably and throws more mud on me. We both laugh as we squat down and start throwing it on each other.

She walks to me and hugs me tightly. I hug her back, mud in my palms and say, "I would kiss your hair right now, but as I can see, you haven't washed it for a long time.

She chuckles against my shoulder and then I pull away her scrunchie from her ponytail and put it around my wrist. It makes her hair fall on her shoulders, wavy and blonde.

"Hey," she giggles, trying to pull away from my embrace, but I won't let her.

"I'm almost sorry for doing that.." I smirk and start to rub all the mud that I had in my hands, to her hair.

"Heey! Don't!" she laughs and tries to wiggle herself out of my embrace.

I laugh and keep doing it. She still wiggles and as I'm about to squat and get more mud, we both fall. She falls on my stomigh and I fall on my back into a pile of mud.

We both start laughing hysterically and then she presses her lips against mine. I kiss her back. We start making out, still lying in the mud. I roll on top of her, witch makes her even more muddy than me.

We both giggle and pull away. I start to peck her lips every second and she pulls off my beanie for some reason. I pull away and she rolls on top of me now.

We both chuckle and start kissing again. Her hands go into my hair, what don't have a beanie to protect them anymore.

I chuckle and push her away a little, "So that is a psyback?" I chuckle as she giggles and rubs my hair with mud.

"Yeeees," she giggles.

"You're so cute," I say. She smiles adorably and we start making out again.

Soon, we're still sitting in the mud and she's on my lap, her legs around me, not tightly, but just placed there, so we could make out better.

She pulls away and we both breathe. She chuckles and hugs me tightly. I hug her back and kiss her muddy forehead. Then we pull away from the hug, and just sit there, smiling at each other, looking into each others eyes.

I put my beanie on her head. She looks suprised, "You never let anyone wear it.. You don't even take it off," she smirks, with a questioning face.

"I do when I'm with you," I smile and correct it on her head. Then I pull my hands away and see that she's smiling at me with puppy eyes. I guess that I am too.

"It looks cute on you, baby," I smile.

She smiles back and brings her hands to my neck. I put my hands on her cheeks and we start kissing softly but passionately.

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