Chapter fifty nine- Frank

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Betty's POV

I wake up at someone talking quietly. Well actually, now I can recognize everyone's voices. And Jug's arms around me.

I open my eyes.. Well, I can't see anything, cause it's too light outside. About 5 seconds later I can recognize oue kitchen and I look at Jug as my head is on his shoulder.

"Hey, are you really up now?" he chuckles.

"What do you mean?" I ask with a quiet voice, cause my throat is hurting.

"You woke up like 10 times, but you were half asleep I guess," he chuckles and kisses my forehead.

I sigh and try to stand up, but he doesn't let me, "Jug, please," I sigh, "I need to take a shower," I say with a painful voice.

"You already did," he chuckles.

"What?" I ask confused.

"I told you. You were half asleep," he says.

I sigh, getting it now, "Thanks baby," I say and peck his lips, "But I really need to stand up," I say.

He helps me up and I'm trying to hold my balance, while everyone is laughing at me. I sigh and walk to the countner carefully, trying not to fall.

I reach up and stand on my toes and take down a box, fulled with medicine.

"What are you doing?" JB asks.

"Listen to my voice," I say, but only a quiet whisper comes out.

"Talk then," Cheryl says.

I sigh and talk louder, "It hu..ts to talk like t..s, so I'll talk," I say, some of the words not coming out of me. My hand instinctively goes on my neck, as it's hurting as hell.

I take out one strepsil and let it melt in my mouth. I also take out one pill for the headache that I have.

"Do you wanna eat something?" dad asks me as I sit on my chair.

I shake my head with closed eyes and rest it against Cheryl's shoulder. she kisses my hair.

"Are you sure?" she asks.

"We ate at 3AM in Pop's. Not hungry right now," I say quietly.

"What? Why were you in Pop's at 3AM?" Toni chuckles.

I sigh and look at mom and dad. They clearly didn't tell them, "I'm sorry," I say to them.

"There's nothing to be sorry for," mom says with a sad smile.

"No really. I'm sorry. About everything. I shouldn't have yelled at you guys and I shouldn't have run away," I say sadly whispering.

"Honey, it's okay. We get you," dad says.

I sigh and just close my eyes, "Can you take me to school?" I ask them.

"Sure," dad chuckles.

"Great, thanks," I sigh and fall asleep again.

*Time pass*

"Betty," I hear dad say and kiss my hair.

I groan, but it hurts my throat, so I just open my eyes, my hand on my throat. I look outside of the window and see that we're in front of the school. I sigh.

"Hey, you know. If you want to, I can just take you back home. You don't have any voice," he says.

"No, I'm fine," I say, my voice breaking in many places in that short sentence.

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