Chapter eighty two- Present (Part 2)

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Betty's POV

"Baby," I hear Jug whisper, "Wake up," he says and kisses my forehead softly.

I open my eyes slowly and smile as I see him. I kiss his lips softly and then hide my face into his neck again, my arms still around him.

"Why?" I ask tiredly.

He chuckles, "Cause first, we have to start the meeting, and second, everyone is looking at us," he says with a cute voice and kisses my temple.

I sigh and get up from his lap and pull him up from his hand. He smiles and kisses my hair and we intertwine our fingers and go on the stage. Everyone is smiling at us.

"What's the time?" I ask into the mic. They all laugh at me.

"3:30," mom smiles.

I sigh and sit down on Jug's lap as he sits on the chair on the stage. I see JB coming in with his school bag. Her eyes widen and she smiles so big as she sees the both of us on the stage.

I stand up with Jug and we both smirk at JB as she runs on the stage. I smile at them, as she puts her arms around Jug's shoulders and Jug hugs her back, standing up and leaving her legs hanging above the ground.

I smirk at mom and dad, who are looking at them with cute smiles. And then look back at Jug and JB, who are still hugging, Jelly's legs around him now.

Jug kisses her forehead with a big smile and places her down. She smiles at us and I kiss her hair and then she goes back down the stage.

"He missed Betty so much more. They were both sobbing," Cheryl says as she hugs JB too. Jelly chuckles with us and we sit back down, me on his lap, his arms around me.

"So, what do you wanna talk about first?" Jug asks into the mic.

"You two," Toni says. I smirk and look at Jug.

"Something else?" I ask with a big smile. They all chuckle and shake their heads.

I sigh and rest my head on Jug's shoulder. We're both smiling and he kisses my nose. I can see in his eyes the questioning look so I nod a little, telling that he can say that to them.

He smiles big and says into the mic, when we're still smiling at each other, "We're engaged," he says and then his smile changes into a smirk as everyone totally shuts up.

I don't care if they think, that we're too young or something. I kiss his lips softly and then pull away and we look at the others. They don't seem mad or shocked. They're smiling at us in complete silence, with their eyebrows raisen.

"What?" I ask into the mic. They're still quiet and smiling.

I furrow my eyebrows and look at Jug, he's smirking at me, "Yeah, I promised them when I was like 4, that when I get married, then I'll film, how I proposed," he smirks.

I face palm myself and then look at everyone who's smirking now, "Just don't be mad at me. Or him. I told him that he can't do it on one knee. And I told him that I don't varr how she does it..." I say into the mic.

Now they look confused, "What? Hen you told him that?" mom asks.

"I promised, that when she's 18, I'll propose.. And I did. Ok the exact minute," he smirks at me.

I roll my eyes playfully while smirking at him. He kisses my forehead.

"So..?" Kevin yells.

"I filmed it," Cheryl says and presses a button on a remote. She has already downloaded it.

Me and Jug smirk and he sits on the floor on the stage, so that the others could see too. He pulls me between his legs and I sit there and look at him, head upside down.

He looks at me with a loving smile and kisses my lips for a second. Ten the video starts.

There's everything from when Toni said that hey have a present dor me since when I walked to Cheryl.

We're smiling so big the whole time, looking at ourselves crying.

Then comes the place where he says that he asked dad. I smirk and look over his shoulder. Dad is smrkikg at me I smile and mouth, "Thanks,".

He nods with a smile and I turn bavk to watch the video.

*5 minute time pass*

"Wait.." Penny says. We look at her with smiles as we're on the chair again.

"You're not pregnant, right?" she asks. Everyone's eyes widen and they look at me with shock. Mom and dad are smiling. I don't think that they would be mad if I was.

"From who? He's been away for almost 5 months," I laugh. They all sigh and both me and Jug laugh.

"One day," he whispers into my ear. I smile at him and peck his lips.

"Moving on," I say with a sigh and a smile.

*Time pass*

"Juggie?" I ask, as we're lying in our bed in his childhood home, naked. Finally together and in each others' arms.

"Yeah?" he asks and kisses my forehead as I look at him.

"You said that you're never leaving me again... What about your stuff?" I ask sadly.

He chuckles and starts to fondle my hair, "Coming in a couple of days. Also Cheryl's," he says.

I sigh in relief, "Great," I smile and peck his lips. He smiles and kisses my forehead.

"Baby?" he asks. I smile and look at him. He chuckles at my face and kisses my nose.

"Have you been to our place?" he asks while fondling my hair.

"No," I sigh.

"Really?" he asks with furrowed eyebrows, "Why not?"

"It remembered me too much of you. And I didn't want to. Cause it hurt," I say sadly and look at the blanket.

He puts his fingers under my chin and rises my head up, "I'm sorry, baby," he says sadly.

I smile a little and spoon his face, "It's not your fault. Plus you're here now and never leaving," I say.

He chuckles, "You got that right," he kisses my hair.

"Gosh, I've missed you," I say.

"I know," he says anf then chuckkes, "You know.. I hanen't been this happy for months now," he says, still fonsling my hair but now caressing my cgeek too.

I smile, "Me neither," I smile.

He chuckles and I roll myself on top of him, as we're both still naked. He smiles at me and kisses my nose.

"I love you," he says.

I smile, "Love you too," I say and start making out with him again.

He starts running his hands back and forth on my thighs and soon we're on round 4, if I'n not wrong.

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