Chapter 3 : The Super Crown I (Edited)

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"Kamek... What the heck is that!?" Bowser said, keeping the "that" seriously as he pointed on a cute looking pink crown, that placed on top of a cushion.

Kamek then sigh in defeat, as he expected that this was the reaction of the Koopa King. But he didn't think that he would overreacted that much and wouldn't even think twice to throw his hard work because of its looks.

Kamek then explained to Bowser the reason why this was the... Results.

"Bowser. This is really it. No tricks or hold backs, this is what I am researching." Kamek said seriously, though Bowser still in denial wouldn't believe a single thing he said. Because of the obvious reasons why he wouldn't.

Bowser's eyes twitch as slight annoyance and disgust fill up his eyes as he kept on looking on it. "Kamek! What do you mean this is the Power Up?!" Bowser exclaimed, more louder than his last one.

Bowser couldn't believe what he was seeing right now, he wasn't picky and would take great leaps to progressed his Kingdom and to attack the Mushroom Kingdom in whatever cost it might hold him back in the future. But this only bugged him, very much.

"That must be a joke Kamek! Seriously, were is it!?" Bowser asked as he looked everywhere for the real Power Up as Kamek could only watch the King in denial with a blank face.

"Bowser... This is the Power Up I was talking about for awhile now. It has been my priority for the past weeks." Kamek said as he lowered the box and continued. "This has been the only successful ones from all the others I have brought here and take my time and sweat. I know you wouldn't believe me if I presented it too you before, but I know what I am doing." Kamek told Bowser seriously as he looks at him with a stern expression, though not serious enough, it was enough for Bowser to know he was.

Bowser then stare intently at the box that Kamek was holding and back to Kamek. He know that his caretaker wouldn't lie to him, as he was technically know what he was doing. But... Looking at the pink crown make Bowser want to puke.

"So..." Bowser started in a low voice as he fights his resolve to cringe professionally. "This 'is' the Power up your talking about that gives me more power than just a ordinary Power Up at your will, or so the research you did right?" Kamek nodded as Bowser finally giving in.

Bowser, still cringing as he already was, was know curious. Though Kamek's research told him that it will grant power than any normal Power Up that could give, and at will is powerful.

"Kamek... What is the name of this... Power Up? Bowser asked.

"It is called... The Super Crown." Kamek said proudly as he rise his research at Bowser. "This pink jewellery is not just any jewellery, it's a Power Up. Nothing I have, but not encountered, ever seen before! From my research, this Power Up will give you total control of it, giving you alot of buffs and resistance whenever you take damage or even attack, doubling, no, theoretically quadruple!... "Kamek exclaimed as his passion when over his head, but he suddenly halted at end catching Bowser's attention.

"But... It's not ready." Kamek said in slight frustration.

"What? What do you mean not ready?" Bowser exclaimed.

Kamek then took a deep breath as he began to answer, as he remembered everything he did in the process of researching the Power Up.

"It... It's still not ready. True that I made alot of progress, but it's much further than what you are expecting. It's still unstable, not responding, and even times dangerous. It's still not ready for us to use it, for you to use it. I already made some tinkering, improving it further and reaching and breaking its limits, but so far... There are still no results of it even functioning." Kamek, felt dejected after letting Bowser hear its results. He still haven't cracked it yet making him frustrated.

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