Chapter 16 : The Boo Busting (Part 2)

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3rd PoV
Crowned Ghost'a Mansion
Screw time

The girl then laughed as it looks at us one by one. "Trespassers aren't allowed... In my home..." The crowned Boo said scarily while looking at the three intruders that entered her home.

"You... Kn0w you alLcould have knockeD first... It COuld hav€ been a pOLite w&lcoming..." The Crowned Boo then then clap her hands asbthe whole mansion started to shook.

"Now... I hope your stay will be... etErnITy." Mario then gulped, he could tell that her words weren't a joke. Base on her expression with her purple tongue, hanging outside her with dripping with a sadistic vibe.

Suddenly the gravity then returned, dropping everything back to the ground. Mario then instantly jumped to Peach's rescue, catching her fall before she hits the cold floor.

"Thanks Mario." Mario then nodded, and put her down. Bowsette on the other hand was growling mad, as the sudden shifts of gravity were making her sick. Suddenly another strong quake then shook them and the mansion.

Bowsette then stood still, unfazed of the sudden quake (Since she does cause [earth]quakes when fighting Mario). Mario also stood still, holding Peach who wasn't used to this jigsaw madness.

The Crowned Boo's hands then started to lit up in a dark purple flame. She then looked at the place around her as she did a deep breath.

(Please, bear with my composition. I know that King Boo didn't do this, but he does scream. Causing the attention of other ghost. But bear with me!)

"Come to me, my little boos~
Here inside~ Lies some trespassers~
As your queen, you're in my command
Let's shall give them... A warm welcome~"

The Crowned Boo then did a very short lullaby, getting attention of the three Busters. Bowsette had to admit, for someone "dead", the Crowned Boo does have a beautiful voice. Peach too was surprised of the odd, but angelic voice.

But what they didn't notice was Mario's sudden silence. "Pretty... I'm ready!" Mario said, excited about something?

Bowsette then began to notice the wierd behaviour Mario was doing. "Yo, plumber. You alright? You seem... Odd." Bowsette said while looking at Mario suspiciously.

"Yess.... Preety..." Bowsette then heard Peach's voice and looked at Peach as she was at the same state with Mario. "Hey! What the heck is wrong with you two!?" Suddenly, Mario then began to move forward like a zombie.

Bowsette then hit a realisation. It was the hypnotism song. She then did some extra measures, for Mario's sake. "HEY PLUMBER!" Her shouting made Mario look at her like a idiot who looked like being in love again.

"EAT THIS!" Bowsette then grabbed Mario, by her strong hands. But since Bowsette still noticed he didn't snap back, she then slam him to the floor, breaking his trance.

Mario was stunned of the sudden action. He then stands up and looked at Bowsette with a annoyed face. "HEY! What in the world was that!? I was in the wedding reception!" Bowsette then looked at Mario weirdly, but more like a pissed look.

"Excuse me!?" Mario then realised on what he said and tries to cover it up. "I mean! Uhh... I- A FREAKING WEDDING!? YOU HAVE TIME TO DAYDREAMING THAT!?" Bowsette cuts Mario's sentence as she began ti strangle him. "I'm sor- SHUT THE HELL UP!"

Meanwhile, The Crowned Boo then looks at Peach as she grinned. Peach was in a trance in a daydreaming world. The Crowned Boo then began to stroke her hair. "You are fine... You'll do it." Suddenly Peach then started to sink into the floor.

Bowsette: Mario: The New Odyssey (Undergoing Editing) Where stories live. Discover now