Chapter 10 : Be comfortable, as you'll never get back the way it used to be...

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3rd PoV
Three Days Later...

Three days has pass on the Mushroom Kingdom. Nothing has happened much, since the incident of Peach and Daisy on the forest.

But in the house of the Smash Bros., there lies inside the dining room. A blonde woman, with horns wearing Mario's red jacket as her spiked green shell weren't covered, thanks to it's size. She was wearing black shorts, with a hole on on it's back, so her tail can freely roam. Since it is wagging excitedly.

"Plumber Boy! I'm hungry! I want food!" She was sitting on a wodden stall while hitting the table, thanks to her hunger. "Hurry up!"

Mario was wearing his white shirt and a brown short, with his red jacket and red hat on a hanger on the entrance, while his jumper on the laundry. He was wearing a pink apron as he cooked Bowsette and himself some spaghetti for breakfast.

"Just wait! It is almost done." Mario then stir it a little and turned the stove off, he then grabbed the pasta and put it on a huge plate as he handed it to Bowsette. "Bon' appetite."
But Bowsette wasn't satisfied.

"Plumber... Why is it spaghetti again? I want another meal. Not spaghetti here and there." Bowsette's complaining made Mario sigh in defeat. "Sorry, I haven't bought a stock of food. So we're just gonna eat on whats available for now." Bowsette then frowned as she looked at the spaghetti.

"Could you by one now? You're cooking is good than I expected, but I want a another meal." Bowsette said as she rubbed her stomach. "Besides, maybe I would grow fat. It is good to be slim and not a big giant Koopa for once..." Mario then looked at her as his mind is arguing, whether to do something about this or deal with it.

"Fine... But, the money is on you." Bowsette then grinned in satisfaction and got up from her seat."Finally! I got enough cash, so I got no problem!" Bowsette then proceed to go to the door with haste, until Mario stopped her tracks.

"Hey! You're not going out like that! You're not even wearing a shirt, but your underwear only!" Bowsette then stop and look at Mario with a annoyed face. "What!? You pervert!" Mario then realised what she mean, his eyes then widen.

"No! I didn't peak or anything! It is very visi-" Bowsette then didn't let Mario finish his sentence as he was pinned to the wall. "Then get me a shirt to wear." Out of fear, Mario then ran to his room to get one of his shirts.

But meanwhile, Bowsette looks at the red plumber as he goes upstairs to get clothes for her. "Idiot..." She then smiled a little as Mario gone back with a black shirt. "Here, hope it fits."

Bowsette then unzipped her (Mario's) jacket, Mario then looked away to let her have her privacy. With this, Bowsette then smirked as she slowly took her jacket off and wear the black shirt that Mario gave her. "What's the matter plumber? Not gonna take a peek? That's very gentleman of you."

She then wear Mario's jacket again as she go near him, holding his arm while her mature orbs, touched his shoulder, giving him a nervous goosebumps. "Ready?" Mario then nodded slowly as both of them leave the house and locking it.

And as always... Forgetting the house keys... Again...

Bowsette's PoV
Mushroom Kingdom
10:09 A.M.

Mario and me are now at the Mushroom Kingdom, homeland of my new enemy and target. So much I want to wreak some havoc here, but I have to stick to the plan. Even if it is going to be hungry...


Mario then looked at me as I gave him a dark look, he then looked away in fear as he continued forward.

Bowsette: Mario: The New Odyssey (Undergoing Editing) Where stories live. Discover now