Chapter 4 : The Super Crown II (Edited)

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Back at the green, lush hills of the Mushroom Kingdom. A snoring of a young man can be heard as imaginary 'Z' s escaped from one of the windows early in the morning of the fine day.

Inside the room is Mario sleeping like a log under covers of red and white polkadots. He sometimes squirms time to time after each and every dream of him running away of whats to be a silhouette of not just one, but a bunch of shadowed figures with monstrous feature chasing him down to the ends of earth.

With that happening, his dream was fortunately cut off after an obnoxious alarn then escaped from the alarm clock as Mario began to stir awake, annoyed of the loud alarm.



Mario then got out of the bed as he clicked the alarm clock. He then yawned like a kitten and stretched his limbs wide to break loose his tightened muscles when he was asleep.

Mario then cracked his neck and scratch his head as he looked at the beautiful view of the Mushroom Kingdom from his window, adoring it as lately there hasn't been any crisis happen. Much to Mario's delight, being a plumber, slash  hero is tiring after all he thought to himself.

But that adoring moment was cut off after he felt something under his nose, something itchy and apart of him.

A brown mustache.

Mario then frowned as he touched it with his gloves less fingers and rub it together. "Come on... I just shave it yesterday afternoon..." Mario said in a listless manner.

Mario sometimes wonder why in the world why his and Luigi's mustache grow back within the next few days or so, it always annoy him after it popped up but sometimes he just roll with it and shave it later as he was nicknamed 'The Mustacho' Hero' because of it.

Mario then yawned one more time before he looked up at the calendar hanging from his door, he then saw at one of the dates encircled with a red marker and a red written 8'o clock on it. It only took Mario few seconds to realise what was going on before he sprung out if his bed and suddenly shouted. Shaking the entire room as the birds fly away from the disturbed household.

"MAMA MIA! How could I forgot!?"Mario screamed as he looked at the alarm clock with the time 7:36 on it and suddenly turned into 7:37.

"THAT IS EVEN WORSE! I'M GONNA BE LATE!" Mario screamed the second time as he grabbed the towel by his door and ran outside the room with a slam, forgetting to fix his bed in the process as he hastily went into the bathroom...


Mario then got changed to his usual outfit as he looked at the mirror with a newly shaved face.

He was wearing the same outfit last night, with slight differences from before. Below his red jacket was a white sweat shirt with a red coloured letter 'M' on it. This was for the tennis play later. He was also wearing a pair of white heavy duty gloves to protect him from anything sharp or something that needed to be punching, just in case. Mario was also wearing a tool belt over his waist, which was filled with tools and Power Ups ready to be used at any predicament. And finally red sneakers ready for running and the tennis play at the same time.

"Crap..." He mumbled to himself after adjusting his hair and putting his trusty red hat on him. Though that trusty hat isn't just any hat. It's a possessed cap named Cappy, who's still sleeping with all the commotion. Much to Mario's dismay, he didn't wake him up.

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