Chapter 22 : Bloody Party

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AN: Okay, sorry for the late upload. Projects are going haywire! Like, here and there.

But enough of my babbling. Here is the story you are waiting for.

3rd PoV

Above the nighty, Halloween sky. A huge battleship passes, gazing towards the lit up Mushroom Kingdom.

"Captain! She's ready to blow!" big shirtless guy shouted, holding the wheel of the ship.

The Captain of the air ship then snickered as he looked at his first mate. "Let her rip! We don't want to disappoint our guests now, would we?"

The whole rogue people on the ship then cheered as they began to go below the deck.

"In the count of my signal, you will drop the latch!"

Meanwhile at the grassy plains of the Mushroom Kingdom ~

A blue magikoopa was walking under the starry night, with few armoured Koopas with his side.

He was holding a binoculars on his hands, observing a certain way to get in the Mushroom Kingdom.

Since there was a party that Peach declared, guards are now everywhere on the look out for the Koopa king. In other words, they were guarding the entrance of the kingdom.

Kamek may be a master wizard, but without the orders of the king. He cannot do anything.

"Anyone. Do you have any id-ideas to get in without provoking them?" Kamek asked at the armoured koopas.

But nobody replied, they only scratch their heads on what to do.

"I know! How about the "Hide inside the animal" gift trick!" One Koopa soldier declared. Kamek and the others look at him weirdly at his statement.

"That is a good idea. But we already did that two or three times. They will find out..." Everyone was then back into thinking mode, scratching thier chins...

"I really wonder what our anonymous client is going to do..." One of the guards then heard Kamek's mumbling and asked.

"Oh, you mean that coated green guy that would help us get our King back from the princess' prison, right?" The other guard said.

Kamek then remembered that night...

Which was after he started to plan the project called "Chomping Heist". It was a plan with the composition of Chain Chomps.

Since Chain Chomps are like dogs, they are like the Koopa Kingdom's unstable and dangerous guard puppies.

They have a strong sense of smell, which ones like a dog. Though playful, but unstable. And Kamek's assumptions become true.

The most reliable and only, young adult Chain Chomp has sense Bowser in the Mushroom Kingdom.

At that time, Kamek was panicking and started to brainstorm on a way to rescue Bowser, without the Smash Bros.

But suddenly, a man in a green coat came out of nowhere and started to propose a deal. And it was simple.

Kamek's PoV
Bowser's Fortress
Underground Catacombs
Kamek's Lab

I was at my desk, thinking about my project in action... It was frustrating as I am no War Commander like Bowser.

But my fears have become true, as the only partially mature Chain Chomp, has scented the King at the Mushroom Kingdom.

Bowsette: Mario: The New Odyssey (Undergoing Editing) Where stories live. Discover now