Chapter 21 : The Halloween Party

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3rd PoV
Super Smash Bros. House

The four are now at the outside of the house, each wearing thier own suited costume of course.

Mario was wearing a cool, black suit. Without his red hat of course, and his brother, Luigi, was wearing the same thing, but green.

Boosette on the other hand was wearing the same attire from the time the Smash Bros. met her.

But Bowsette was wearing a different costume tonight.

Bowsette is wearing the Super Crown on top of her blonde hair. Which is tied into a rough but attractive pony tail. And also blue pair of pearl earrings, dangling on her elfin ear.

She is also wearing a black tight (Corset?) top dress, with a shiny emerald gem at the center of her chest. Down to her belly, at her back lies a big green spiked, koopa shell. About the size of two and a half heads stack together. It has some sharp spikes on it like sharp amour. She also has a long spike tail that cut through her black skirt.

On her neck, arms, and hand joints are sharp black chokers with some sharp spikes on it. She has also black claw like nails that could definitely rip someone's neck off.

On her waist is a black skirt that reaches just above her knees, showing a the skin of her legs. A white tail veil that reaches to her ankles. On her left leg lies a another spike black choker. And finally a pair of black spike heels.

Boosette was the one who pick the design up. Which reminds Boosette of a certain familiar big turtle person...

Aside from that, the crew look likes they are gonna shine really bright on tonight's party.

Though Bowsette was a little uncomfortable with her dress. Which was tight, itchy, and also... eye catching. Her only complain was how in the world could she get the dress off.

The four are split into two, which was by pairs. It was Luigi and Boosette, and Mario and Bowsette. Though, Boosette and Luigi aren't fond of each other. Since Luigi is afraid of ghost, and Boosette was still upset about him.

And now. Mario was in the center of the two Crowned Royals, (I mean, they are) with one each arm. Making the poor plumber a mistaken womaniser.

Luigi on the other hand was very uncomfortable. Seeing his brother with not one girl, on which he still needs to know, but two.

Mario may be a ladies man, but Luigi didn't see this far. But the real question is...

What in the world is he gonna do with three. THREE, girls. If he wants to dance with Peach. Luigi was trying to get away from this problem. As only his poor red brother really knows what was going on.

The carriage finally got in front of the house. (They were invited after all) A Toad was driving, or harnessing the horses was looking at Mario with a surprise look. But when he saw Luigi... The Toad just only nodded as Luigi nodded with a sad sigh.

"Hoi! What are you standing there for you green twig!? Get in here already." Luigi jumped at the burst as he hurriedly get in the carriage.

The Toad then closed the door as he went back to the horses and guided the horses towards the Mushroom Castle.

"Hey plumber, do we have to go?" Bowsette asked again for the fifth time. "Of course Bowsette, I already said yes to the invitation. It is rude to say no, now."

Bowsette then sigh in frustration as she goes to the same place again of the witch's coven.

Boosette on the other hand was having a time of her life with chocolates that was served on the plate."Yu-yummy..." Like a cute child, eating it one by one.

Mario was looking at the window, wondering what would happen in the party. Bowsette too, was looking at the window, thinking something deep.

She could still remember her little declaration to the plumber at her side. Which was spending with Peach the whole night for himself. As this could be his last.

Bowsette was only a little bothered by that thought. But she must go in her plan tonight. Which was exploring the dungeons of the Mushroom Palace... Sadly...

She then looked at grinning red plumber, whom was looking at the window, already imagining the events tonight.

Alone... Though, maybe she could have Boosette as her backup. After all.

She did promise to the plumber of his own personal time with the Princess herself...

"Why is it always her...?" Bowsette's little whisper was caught by Mario. "Huh? Did you say something Bowsette?" Bowsette then sway her head sideways, indicating a no.

Mario then tilted his head  in confusion, but shrug as he returned to the gazing window. Bowsette too did the same.

Meanwhile, Luigi was starring at the two this whole time. His gears are now starting to crank slowly as he finally decided to himself to stat out of this quarrel between... "Companions".

Meanwhile, Boosette was oblivious to all of this. She then looked at everyone with a face, lips filled with chocolate. "Huh? D-did something ha-happen?"

Luigi, just only face-palm.

Guys, this is gonna be a little short. As you read. But that's because I'm stockpiling chapters of the party arc.

You will expect the published date at Saturday or Sunday. So if its possible that I can merge the chapters into one, then, that's gonna be heck long.

So don't worry guys, just expect this on the day, after tomorrow.

For all those who support, thank you guys! Also, I will definitely finish the arc earlier as you see...

I'M Rank twelve at my class! Being awarded with honors! What the flip!? I'm really excited on Friday tomorrow, as grades are gonna be given!

Also... Yes. Math is expected to be slipping... But I'm going to fix that in the third semester. Which just recently started. Projects already bombing. But I can handle it!

So, see you in Saturday or Sunday fello Koopas~

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