Chapter 2 : So it begins... (Edited)

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Just after a few moments, after that incident that transpired in the Koopa King's Fortress, he wasn't happy. Very unhappy. Bowser has returned status quo, his fierce and villainous look has returned onto his scaly face as aggression continues to lead his mind away from any possible logic.

With this, Bowser is now ready to breach into the Mushroom Kingdom again. This time, no tricks nor secrecy, it'll be just him showing that it was once again him that attacked that castle.

Bowser's people rejoice as he finally returned to his former self once again as they got back to see his fierce and commanding demeanour that make him their leader. The other reason of their spark was that they were about to attack the mushroom kingdom again, after his final surrender to the Super Bros, they protested as their kingdom submitted itself to surrender.

This drove them a little frustrated and realisation as they did finally reach their limits. But that mindset instantly got washed away as Bowser retained his throne. No one can stop Bowser now, only anyone could stop him if he is defeated or someone resourceful enough to break through his current mindset.

Which was near impossible. No one was close enough to him beside the blue wizard Magikoopa Kamek and the small Bowser Jr., who was currently kidnapped.

Right now, small lightweight steps are being followed by hastened heavy steps in the underground catacombs of the Fortress...


Bubbling of lava and mechanical sounds escaped throughout and behind the walls of the Underground Catacombs. Two figures can only be seen in this gigantic and dangerous place as they continue to pass and disarming the traps so they could cross easily with no liability.

Kamek is now leading the big Koopa King into the large, heavily fortified Underground Catacombs of the Large Koopa Kingdom, starting from under Bowser's fortified castle.

Tension and silence filled between the two of them as they continued to hastily walked towards Kamek's Underground Laboratory. Kamek's Laboratory is located underground, there is a laboratory at the surface, though shared with fellow other Koopas for research and studies. This however, was Kamek's own personal laboratory, sponsored by the Koopa King itself for doing further research to find the right magic, technology, power ups, and treasure to aid the Koopa Kingdom.

Bowser's steps shook and echoed as both now travelled on a bridge, with the same mechanism of the one that Bowser has on his throne room. They are now crossing a large lava lake with gigantic pipes and gears crisscrossed together at the top and sides of the labyrinth, hot lava spewing out of the pipes as it followed straight into the pitch of lava.

To add the intimidation of the place, gigantic golden statues of Koopas stand high and mighty showing the wealth and power of the night Koopa Kingdom. Giving a dramatical effect overall on the large door at the end of the bridge, which was the entrance of the Magikoopa's lab.

Kamek then take a glance at the Koopa King with his lenses thickened with the light of the lava lake refracting on his round glasses, there walking Bowser with a clear authority  and commanding pressure escaping on him. Especially his fierce electric blue eyes continuing to glow in anticipation with each heavy step growing and growing.

Kamek has see that look before, it was usually either he was having a grand plan or simply fired up with the littlest things that doesn't sometimes even matter with his usual commanding demeanour. He was sure he wasn't excited with the current situation developing with no emergency breaks, but he was a little satisfied that Bowser was still okay. Even though the current situation was not what all of them expected.

Bowsette: Mario: The New Odyssey (Undergoing Editing) Where stories live. Discover now