Chapter 9 : Shopping

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3rd PoV
Shopping District
3:49 P.M.

Bowsette and Mario are now at the public restroom, specifically ladies' restrooms. Mario was dragged inside, even though he protested of his gender. But all Mario could do now is sit back and watch, or to try calm Bowsette down.

"GRRRRRR! I SWEAR IF WE'RE ALONE I'LL RIP HER HEAD OFF!" Bowsette then punch one of the stall doors as it got drilled by her punch, leaving a huge hole. Mario then gulp, seeing Bowsette in rampage isn't the best situation now.

"Hey, please calm down... Why not well just..." Mario then cut off by a scary death glare from Bowsette. Mario swear her eyes were red, but that was probably his imagination. "I mean! Let's go back to punching stalls to calm our anger down!" Mario said nervously as Bowsette bought it and looked at the mirror..

"Your lucky Peach... Your lucky..." She then exhaled and inhale, calming herself down. Mario then hand over a bottle of water, which Bowsette gradually accepted it and took a drink. "You okay now?... Please, calm down. We haven't even see anything suspicious on Peach... Yet..."

Bowsette then finished drinking the water bottle and look at Mario as she sigh in frustration. "Fine, you win plumber boy. For now she's 'free', let's go back to your place. The Tournament is already finish anyway." Mario then sigh in relief as he proceeds to go to the door. Bowsette then followed him, until she remembered something.

"Oi! Mario wait up! Let's not go back yet, I needed new clothes remember!?" Mario then stopped his tracks and looked at Bowsette frantically. "Wh-what!? Of course! How could I forgot?" Mario said nervously, truth is, he didn't a lot of money as he taught they're just doing her plan.

"YOU sure you got enough cash? You didn't seem to be bringing a lot." Bowsette said as Mario sweats even more. "Don't worry! I bring some in case!" Bowsette then grinned as put her arm over the tall red plumber, bringing him to her height and gave him a good scratch on the head. "That's more like it! This is why you have my respect plumber boy!"

Mario then laughed nervously as he hoped things couldn't go any worse, but as always, fate brings him to other circumstances...

While Bowsette was giving Mario a good noggin', a random woman then came as she sees the scene right in front of her."Ahhhhhhhhhhh! Someone! There's a pervert here!" Bowsette and Mario then froze for a while, before they snapped back and did some action.

"SOMEBODY! HE-MMMDNCJK" The woman's mouth was then covered by Bowsette's hand. "Shut it will you!" She then accidentally snapped and throw the woman at the nearby trashcan as both of them stared at the woman in horror. "Opps... (Love this meme) RUN!"

As said, Mario and Bowsette then made a run for it as they took a random direction towards the shopping district, where the crowd buried them.

3rd PoV
Coincidentally in the Girl's district
4:06 P.M.

The two where sitting on a public bench, tired from the "crime" they just did. Though Mario thinks that Bowsette is going to do another crime without her knowing, and that is damage to public property. Since her spiked shell damaged the bench when she sat down.

"Woah... That was intense... How come you aren't tired plumber boy?" Mario just shrug, running all over the kingdom, saving Peach does gives you free never ending exercise.

"Well you look at that..." Bowsette then grinned mischievously as she admired the view around her. Mario then looked at her in confusion as he noticed. "Plumber boy! This is my first time in this place, but..." Mario then gulped as Bowsette once again, put her arm around Mario as he just entered the Hornet's nest.

Bowsette: Mario: The New Odyssey (Undergoing Editing) Where stories live. Discover now