Chapter 11 : Ricochet

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Bowsette's PoV
Mushroom Kingdom

I hurry up as I ran to the streets of the  Mushroom Kingdom, dodging and passing by every obstacles that is in my way.

I then looked up at the sky to see the small battleship, which was still present on the sky. Seeing the ship just makes me want to go on a rampage.

But I can't now! I'm still in the Mushroom Kingdom, but even worse. I don't even know if my powers are still present or not.

But that is not the main objective, it is that battleship. I was already starting to pant for breath, since I'm not quite a runner. Unlike that plumber, who is capable of running to the galaxies.

I then looked at the sky again, but my situation just got worse when the battleship went to a different course of Southeast. "Shoot..." I then frantically looked for a new route. And there was one to the forest. But I don't want to take the granted.

"If only that damned plumber was here!" I then complained, since that plumber wouldn't even stop. I then think of a way, until an idea pop on my head.

I then took a light breathe, as I feel my throat getting warmer of a firing feeling. I then opened my mouth to release a fire, and sure enough. There was. It has even cute eyes on it!... Wait a second...? Cute?

"Hey! Find that plumber now! Tell him, or even better, lure him to me quickly as possible!" The fireball then nodded as it flies away at a random direction.

I then sigh and looked at the forest. I'm not scared. I'm just only a little nervous. Because this time however, I'm going alone...

I really hope that dumb plumber would get to me...

Mario's PoV
The Underground Sewage

I'm am at a huge dark sewage tunnel right now, though this isn't my first time in here. Probably once or twice, Anyways, I'm being leaded by Bowsette's fireball.

But even in this situation, I'm quite the fact used to this. I mean, I'm already like running through the whole world. To paintings, galaxies, planets, and freaking timer travel!

But this is my first wierd and... Complex adventure. Not because I'm at a huge, old, sewage tunnel that is about thirty feet tall. It is Bowsette.

Since Bowsette's arrival. My life took a quick turn, even though she was Bowser. But why I can't shake the feeling that Bowsette is a different person. Aside from her... Feminine appearance, something just feels odd and different.

Also, since the bitter truth of Peach's doing... I still cannot help it. I still love Peach, even after hearing that. Deep inside, I feel she's innocent. But on my other side thinks that she is not. Because Bowsette wouldn't just let her only son get kidnapped for conquering the Mushroom Kingdom.

But now... In this adventure... I'm helping Bowsette... Making Peach the enemy of this story. Thinking about all of this events is making my head ache.

I then took a glance at the fireball, and sure enough. We are still going forward. "Hey, little fell'a, what was Bowsette's last order for you?" The fireball take a look at me, but instantly looked away. Since it doesn't have mouth. "Oh..."

I just kept my mouth shut ae we progress. But this is what makes me disturbed. "A... Little fell'a, do you think that it is too quiet?..." The fireball then stopped and took a glance at the place. Since the fireball was the only light source.

Man, I really wishI bought my suit. All of my items are there. Even Kappy is back at home. Well, I'm only wearing my red hooded jacket, brown shorts and a white shirt. Though I do have one certain flower Power Up in me just in case.

Bowsette: Mario: The New Odyssey (Undergoing Editing) Where stories live. Discover now