Chapter 5 : The Horned Regal and the Late Hero (Edited)

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After running nonstop since this morning, with occasional breaks to let air pass through his lungs again, Mario was already running inside the forest after following the dirt path towards the gameplay. Also with that same time, he just remembered that he got the kart back home and was very tempted to go back, but after making it this far, he eventually made up his mind and just continued to run straight with no signs of stopping.

Huff... Pufff... Huff...

Luckily he was used to this kind of scenarios after continuously and almost everything that made up his journeys is to the save the princess. Which was mostly running. Mario did however find a shortcut eventually along the way, however he unexpectedly almost met up with koopas and gumbas that are standing at the dirt path.

Since Bowser's surrender almost a month ago, everyone has been at ease. Of course it doesn't means that they weren't cautious, they were. The thought of the most annoying, yet dangerous villain has stopped is admittedly a good thing, especially the upcoming Halloween Party and Christmas Banquet. Mario ain't going to be jumping on gumbas awhile, not until probably now at least...

Mario then stopped his tracks as he saw Bowser's underlings in the area, and they were on gaurd. Mario could only speculate, but he thinks that the Koopa King is at his shenanigans again. Surprisingly he's a little subtle on this one, Mario thought.

But since the dirt path they are taking is rarely, very rarely used. It is seen on how much grass and how thick the vegetation is at the area. Mario was eager to find out what the Koopa King is planning now, but he must avoid trouble for now as base on the treaty that Bowser made.

Either Bowser hit his head on that one, or he's actually smart so none of the Mushroom Kingdom (Mario) will attacked them. Either way, Mario decided to tempt fate and avoid them as he sneakily pass through the guards like a ninja on behind the bushes! With that, Mario then pass through them with a sigh and began running full speed ahead with no signs of stopping once again.

"Phew! That was close... Huff... Puff... I wonder what's going to happen next?" Mario said to himself.

As Mario said that, he then unexpectedly heard an ear piercing scream at the distance as the gears in his head turned and stop his tracks the instant he heard it. But rain was already starting to pour, making the road a little soggy which almost let Mario slipped tried to balanced himself.

Luckily, he did. "That's close!" He exclaimed

Mario then looked at the source as he began to ran straight at it, passing through all the bushes and branches as he began to get aggravated of the Koopa king as he could think what kind of another problem that he has got into, or WHAT did that Koopa king got into again. Whatever it was, he was doing it quickly as time can't be easily patient.

Shudder! Sherrr! Shridk!

He could see an opening at distance as he shoved away all the desperation and finally he made it as a the sudden light of the day hit his eyes and ducked as he took his breath.

"Ma... Mari... o...?" He listened to a voice that he never heard of before, it was a little dry but her voice was demure. Mario began to take breathes as he began to think who was this person that Bowser make trouble with this time? He swear most of them are royalties or at least someone in power.

But for now he must introduced himself as he stands up straight and did his trick that'll always make people grin... If the person would grin.

Bowsette: Mario: The New Odyssey (Undergoing Editing) Where stories live. Discover now