Chapter 12 : Confusion, Party Planning and Rivals

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3rd PoV
Smash Bros. House
One day later~

After that events of yesterday's madness, Bowsette and Mario are still quiet to each other. Not in an awkward way, more like Bowsette doesn't want to admit that she is almost defeated by a unruly barbarian. Since it was always Mario who defeated her.

Right now, Mario is washing the dishes, also wearing the pink apron. He's only wearing white shirt and brown shorts. Turns out that he's clothes from yesterday smell odd. Like sewage water...

In other words, his clothes are already hanging outside. Bowsette on the other hand, was at the living room, watching some shows on Mario's TV, that doesn't contain Peach material. Like Mario, she was wearing his red jacket again with nothing inside but undergarments.

Since having a shell with a shirt is hard for her, and also her tail,which she has to make a hole of evry shorts she wear in other to nolet herself het hurt. Since that barbarian stomp it, her tail was now bandaged by Mario.

She is not pissed off in her situation right now. She just want to destroy Mario's TV, since almost all channels contained Peach. Her grip on the remote is also getting tighter, one wrong word, and it is goodbye for the remote.

"Grrrr... How many channels this little blonde stereotype has have her flipping face on it!?" She then rapidly clicked the remote as the channels keep on switching, with Peach still in it. "Bowsette, don't break the remote. This gonna be the second time if you do." Bowsette just keep on growling at the TV, even though she heard Mario.

Her patience was about to wear off, when a news report came into view. Which catch her attention. "Hey Plumber... Take a look at this..." Mario in the kitchen then glance at her. "What? Why?" Bowsette then throw a ball on him, hitting Mario on the head hard. "The News, it was about the incident of yesterday. They found the wreckage of the airship I destroyed. And now they are taking investigations."

Mario then sit beside her and raise an. eyebrow. "Yeah. Well, what's wrong with that?" Bowsette then pointed out to the TV, where there were the headlines. "Bowser finally strikes again. Ohh..." Bowsette then gave Mario a pissed look. "WHAT!? Your just giving an 'Ohh' on this!? What if they found out on who attacked them! I'm gonna be in imprisoned! Don't forget about you! Because you're going with me! And, an-" Mario then stopped her babbling by putting a apple on her mouth.

"Calm down will you? It is not on us. They blamed the other person, which was "Bowser", okay? Relax while you still can." Bowsette then nodded slowly, eating the apple in the process." Besides, too much stress will make the person fat-" Mario didn't finish his sentence when Bowsette spit the apple to Mario's mouth.

"Say that one more time. I will haunt you in your dreams." Mario then nodded instantly as he excused himself to washing the dishes... Even though he was already finished...


Bowsette and Mario then stopped to look at the TV.


Bowsette then nodded. "Yes!" Mario just only remained silent.


Bowsette turned the TV as she backed away and sit on the couch. "Bowsette, that was a little rude." Bowsette then pouts stubbornly. "I changed my mind. Not gonna go in this damned party. It is cursed." Mario then sigh as he go near her. "Don't you want to fulfill your plans?" Just like that, Bowsette then turned the TV back on.

Bowsette: Mario: The New Odyssey (Undergoing Editing) Where stories live. Discover now