Chapter 6 : The Awkward Revelation (Edited)

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"I beg your pardon?" Mario said in a disturbingly calm manner, this only frightened and let the villainess grin in a rather cornered expression.

Bowsette subconsciously gulp, Mario's answer is something to be expected.

After all, she is revealing him the sudden, but the inevitable truth. Her reasoning was simple, its to help her in proceeding into her plan. Which was obvious. The other reason was to not make any more complications and miscommunication, as the chances of Mario leaving her if he found out her real identity is very likely to happen and even worse accused her in alot of ways. With him knowing, teamwork and communication is possible as both already have known each other in order to proceed everything smoothly.

Or so she thinks. Nobody says that the easiest path to victory is always easy.

"KHAKHAKHAKHA!" Bowsette laughed all of a sudden, trying to gain dominance inside the room with her classical villainous laugh, which was supposed to be helpful to maintain order on her fingers. Unironically, her current feminine voice doesn't suit her deep and sinister laughter unlike her former form. Making her more like a copycat than off a serious threat inside the room in Mario's perspective.

"What's the matter?!" She started to taunt at unfazed Mario who still haven't moved or say anything since her unfitted laughter.

Sweat started to form on Bowsette's face as kept on intimidating the plumber, but obviously the meeting didn't go as she have thought. Her plan was the usual methods she try to always win meetings and negotiations. Power and Intimidation.

Bowsette isn't a mastermind or warlock as a decorative title for nothing, she's a ruler of a whole militarised kingdom. Rational and logical decisions are in need, she have always have everyone's attention in meetings as intimidation was one of the key factors for anyone to listen and do. After all, a little fear would always change someone's decision drastically. With showing one's dominance inside the room always changes the pace of the meeting, as it shows how much power you have over the people inside the room...

Unfortunately that mentally didn't reach in this meeting this time.

Bowsette wasn't intimidating to begin with, her horns and other quirky features may bring intimidation but that wouldn't work on Mario right now. Especially the fact that her voice mostly didn't match the way she was trying to be intimidating, it may freak Mario out earlier, but after knowing who she really was definitely butchered that thought. Bowsette did however tried to show dominance inside the room, however that could've work if she was her former self and not wearing Mario's clothing like she was part of the household.

She barely looked like a threat, but more like a roommate complaining about the other roommates's business in Mario's perspective.

"Aren't you not believing in my words!?" Bowsette exclaimed once again, this still however still didn't change the expression of the plumber in front of her.

Silence was starting to make the grand revelation more of a joke than of a serious one.

Bowsette kept on smiling awkwardly, her once eerie smile was turned into one of a cornered one. Mario then crossed his arms as Bowsette brought her arms down and put it behind her back like a little kid, and staring to look nervously moved some of her body parts. Bowsette clearly wants to end this quickly.

Bowsette: Mario: The New Odyssey (Undergoing Editing) Where stories live. Discover now