Chapter 19 : Prepare

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3rd PoV
Smash Bros. House
Mario's Room

After the rescuing of Luigi from his "abduction" from a creepy, eerie mansion. Things have been a little hectic.

Luigi was getting tensed when Boosette was going to live with them, as he wasn't a very good fan of ghost. Even if it was a lovely girl.

But he got more tensed when Bowsette was living WITH his brother. For the past days in his absence, yet he didn't know. Lately he has been thinking if Mario finally got himself a woman of "Peach's relative".

But aside from Luigi's inner struggle of his brother's situation. There was also Princess Peach's Halloween party.

Which she forgot about, thanks to her and the Boo Busting gang, for rescuing Luigi, then to her, and then to the new girl.

Right now, Peach has invited all of them to enter, of course, including the Royal Boo herself, and the rough Koopa girl Bowsette. And now, everyone was preparing to the party.

Especially Mario, as he could have a break from all of the past events. Also, maybe a little dance would do with a certain blonde princess shall cheer him up.

Luigi to was tired, but he had to go, as the Second Smash Bro., and also he was already invited. And he can't say no to a princess. Since Mario goes, then he has to go too to keep on eye on him.

Right now, Mario was looking at the mirror, with a black tuxedo, bow tie, white formal polo shirt at the bottom of his tuxedo. And also, shiny black shoes.

He is also taking Cappy off, as it sadly wouldn't match his attire. With Cappy being a used to be formal hat, he got some guidance going on.

"And there... Now, you look like noble Mario." Cappy said as he looked at Mario bottom to top. "Well, maybe you are a noble as YOU do own a lot of money though..."

"Cappy, do I really look alright? Are you sure?" Mario said as he looked at the mirror, showing his frantic expression.

"Yeah, don't worry. You look good. Maybe you can finally have your beloved's attention." Cappy said enthusiastically, Mario then observed himself as he sighed and smiled to his reflection. "Yeah... I think I'll be alright. Maybe tonight will work out..."

Cappy then floated to his eye level. "Of course, don't worry, it is only a party. What could go wrong?" Cappy said as he floated to Mario's bed and lays on top of the cover, whistling.

"Don't mind me, I'll just leave behind. As I don't have even limbs to dance... Anyways..." Mario then looked at Cappy curiously as he began to raised his eyebrow.

"Uh... Anyways on what Cappy?" Cappy then started to frown as both of them heard something from the other room, especially the bathroom.

"How long does it takes for those two to finish in the bathroom? It is been like almost an hour already." Cappy said as Mario now thinks about it.

"Now that you said it, you think Luigi finally got himself a shower?" Mario asked curiously.

Meanwhile ~
Smash Bros. House
Luigi's room
Luigi's bathroom

Luigi had just got out of the freezing bathtub. Turned out, that the heater was broken. And Mario has forgotten to fix it.

He was now wearing a green bathrobe, freezing from the cold bath, legs shivering.

This is why Luigi sometimes, prefer the bathroom that was occupied by the two peculiar girls.

"ACHHO!" Luigi sneezed as he wipes his nose subconsciously. "Was somebody talking about me...?" He aaid warily as he continued to dry himself up...

3rd PoV
Smash Bros. House

Inside the bathroom of the Mario Bros. Lies within the two peculiar girls, hogging (Cleaning) inside.

The first one was a horned blonde, wearing a certain red plumber's, red bathrobe. Though, it was a little problem on the chest area... Her tail and shell, are sticking out. As the robe wasn't made for that anyways.

She was sitting down at a stoll with a grumpy face, looking at the mirror. As her hair was being dried by a pale girl, who is also wearing a certain red plumber's bathrobe. Who also... Has the same problem with horned blonde girl.


"When will this be done?" Bowsette asked as she wasn't used to all of this stuff. She has gone through formal parties before, but even though that isn't her suit, it wasn't like she wasn't experienced.

It was just only tiresome to do. But more tiresome when the party was being held by a certain blonde koopa kidnapper!

"Do-don't worry Mi-miss Bowse-sette... You're h-hair will almos-most dry." The purple eyed, pale girl said as the hair dryer continues to dry Bowsette's hair. "Yeah... Whatever..."

Right now, both of the girls have just finished taking a bath, separated of course, as Bowsette couldn't handle bathing with someone for personal reasons...

Though, she may have Boos sometimes working for her, she was a little surprised when Boosette needed to take a bath too. But that is not her main question about the mysterious girl Boo.

Bowsette is looking at the mirror, mainly not focusing on her, but focusing on the person drying her hair and the crown on top of her.

Bowsette was now starting to make scenarios on how in the world did Boosette get a hold of that Power Up. But base on her observations, it looks like she was used to this...

Unlike her, who was still adjusting on her new form, physically, mentally, and specially emotionally. As she got to feel a bunch of new and not so new emotions she haven't felt before. Especially fear, where the time she was almost violated by the unruly barbarian.

But now, that got her thinking...

"Uhh... Boosette. Can I asked you a question?" Bowsette asked, Boosette got a little jumpy of the sudden response, but nodded. "Ah-ah su-sure! Anything... Umm... Wh-what is th-the question?"

"Will you tell me how you got that Crown?"

Okie Doki, Doki! This is a short chapter as it only contains a 1k words. But I left a cliffhanger for you everyone! You think you can guest it? 😜

Anyways I'd like to thank Serafelom, Zeckromizder, ablueMint, spacecoon for supporting me!😊

Also, I'd like thank you everyone for the 4k reads! Thanks for taking your time guys! 😀

Anyways, I hope you enjoy today's chapter and don't forget to leave a vote and comment!

Bowsette: Mario: The New Odyssey (Undergoing Editing) Where stories live. Discover now