Chapter 27

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About a week later, Ellie said that she wanted to have family dinner. I told her if I was up for it at the time, I'd be there.

That day I was more tired than normal. I told John to go and have a good time. I wanted to take a nap. That was rare; I usually didn't want to sleep at all. That's why he didn't fight me. I promised I'd come over if I felt up to it later.

I woke up about an hour later. I got up and ran a brush through my hair. I figured because it was just family, no one would care if I showed up in sweatpants and a t shirt.

I hobbled across the courtyard on my crutches and knocked on Ellie's door. Chuck opened the door, all smiles. "Hey, sis! We're done eating, but there's plenty of food left." He ushered me inside, closing the door. I froze when I saw Alex sitting next to John. She was on the couch and he was on the floor. I felt my face turn red out of pure embarrassment. I wasn't expecting anyone else.

"Hi," I mumbled, looking away.

Awesome got up from the arm of Ellie's chair and helped me through to the kitchen. "You okay?" he asked quietly as me moved a chair in for me to sit down.

"Yeah. I just wasn't expecting to see Alex," I replied, feeling very self-conscious.

"Who was that?" I heard Alex ask from the living room.

And then Morgan opened his mouth and just completed my embarrassment. "That's Kat, Chuck's younger sister. She and your dad have been a thing for a while." There was an awkward pause and then he kept going! "She got tortured by an ex, who's also a spy. That's why she looks so bad."

I took a deep breath and tried not to cry. I looked up at Awesome and shook my head. "We weren't going to say anything," I whispered.

Devon groaned and shook his head. "Leave it to Morgan."

"Any chance you can sneak me out the Morgan Door so I can go die of embarrassment in peace?" I asked.

He shook his head, "That's a bad idea and you know it. Let's fix you a plate and you can eat in here and then make an excuse to go lie down until she's gone?" he offered.

Ellie walked into the kitchen. "How do are you feeling?" she asked quietly.

"Like I could kill that little freak," I seethed. "I think I'm entitled to tell my own story on my own time."

"You are," she agreed. "Are you very hungry? I still have some of that chicken soup. That's going to be easier on your stomach than what I made for dinner."

I was about to lie and say that I wasn't hungry, but my stomach growled.

"When was the last time you ate?" Ellie asked.

"Probably last night," I admitted, looking down at my hands.

"You have to eat, Kat."

"It only helps if I can keep it down," I replied.

Sarah was the next person to join the party in the kitchen. We haven't seen each other since we argued. I looked away and grabbed for my crutches before she could say anything. "I think I'm going to go back home. I'll try to eat something before I go to sleep," I assured Ellie. I started my slow trek past everyone again, wishing I could go faster.

"Let me help," Devon offered. Ellie grabbed a bowl of soup out of the fridge and handed it to him so he could follow after me.

I bit the inside of my mouth, trying not to cry in front of everyone. John followed me out into the courtyard, stopping Devon. "What's wrong?" he asked, stopping me in front of the fountain.

"I thought I was feeling up to dinner, but I was wrong," I replied, trying to be diplomatic. "It's okay. I'm fine. I just need to go lie down again. You go back and enjoy," I smiled weakly. He didn't need to know that I'd heard every word out of Organ's mouth.

"Are you sure?" he asked.

"Yeah. Your life shouldn't be put on hold while I recover," I told him. "I'm fine." I wasn't sure if I was lying to him or myself. I hobbled off to our apartment and closed the door behind me before I started crying again.

I forced myself to try to eat some crackers before I changed for bed. I took my meds and tried to rub lotion on my grafts to the best of my abilities. I was so embarrassed. I wasn't ready to face someone new with how I looked then. No one else needed know what happened to me. I wasn't ready for Alex to know about John and I. It was a double blow. I laid down and waited for my meds to kick in.

I remember hearing the front door open as I was starting to drift off. I heard someone call my name, but I decided To not answer. "She's here. Let her sleep." It was John's voice.

"How did she get to sleep so quickly?" It was Chuck.

"She's on medication to help her sleep," Awesome replied. "You should have seen her face. She looked mortified," he explained.

"We weren't going to say anything about us to Alex just yet," John clarified. "I didn't know she heard him."

All I could think was that my therapist was going to have a field day with this development. It also occurred that if Organ turned up dead of mysterious circumstances, I'm suspect Number One.

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