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Dear Diary
September 22

Today is Tuesday and today I get to go to the arcade with Chenle, Renjun and Donghyuck. We plan at going at 5:30pm because Donghyuck has to stay after school for his choir classes or something.

It's currently like 4:50 pm and I didn't do anything today expect eat and sleep. Also I think Baozi got fatter.

We let baozi go outside but a couple days ago she got fatter and today I was playing with her then she puked on me. She got really fat. Baozi's probably ate something wrong or actually is getting fat.  Anyways ima get ready so bye.

I walked downstairs and asked my mom if I could have some money.

"No," my mom firmly said.

"What?" I said. "Why? I need it for the arcade."

"Remember I said that someone was coming today," my mom said. "I need you to help me clean up the place and cook."

"Really?" I said. "Can't you just hire a maid or something?"

"Na Jaemin," My mom looked at me. "You're suspended still so you either go stay in your room the whole night until tomorrow or help me and meet the guests."

I rolled my eyes. "Fine." I headed upstairs to call Chenle.

"Hello?" Chenle said through the phone.

"I can't come," I said.


"Apparently some people are coming over," I said. "Plus I'm still suspended so it's a punishment for now."

"Okay," Chenle said. "Maybe we can cancel it and do it tomorrow. I'll tell Renjun and Donghyuck. Bye."

"Alright bye," I hung up.

I headed back downstairs to help clean. I cleaned the living room, kitchen and my room and set up the table. Then I went to take a shower and waited for the guests to be here. I was in my room reading a book surprisingly until my mom called me down.

"Jaemin!" My mom said. "Come down here! They're here!"

I smiled. I don't know why I did it was just exciting meeting new people. I put that smile away because I didn't want them to think I was weird. I walked down the stairs and saw the person who I absolutely hated. Lee Jeno. I walked back upstairs avoiding everything. I walked into my room and locked it. Why was he here! When did they plan this? There could've been a better idea to do this! Why at my house? Why did we even have to do this.

A knock was at my door. "Jaemin?"

Thank god it was my mom and not some other person from that dumb family. I walked over to the door, unlocked it and opened. There I saw someone I wanted to grab and kiss or punch in the face. I didn't do anything, I stood there. I looked at my mom.

"You already know who this is," my mom said. "We made dinner arrangements but since dinner isn't ready yet we figured this would be good time to be mature with each other, get along."

And there she went. She left me with the one who made me gay but the one I punched right in the face. I looked at Jeno. Why was he so cute? I want to hug him and never let go but I know that'll never ever happen in my lifetime. Instead he pushed me out of my way and went to Baozi who was laying on my bed. I walked towards him and sat on my bed and looked at him. I grabbed my diary and went into the bathroom locking it.

Dear Diary

Why does Lee Jeno have to be so fucking cute?

He's hurting my heart. I love him so much but I wanna punch his face. I hate him so much but he's so fucking cute and I can't with him. I wanna hug him and kiss him and love him forever but his straight ass is just going to punch me.

This jerk is the reason why I like boys. His eye smiles when he pet Baozi made me burst so many uwus.

Ugh. I have to go out now. I don't trust him with my cat.

I hid the diary and walked out of the bathroom to see Jeno sitting on my bed cuddling with Baozi.

What the fuck. He's so adorable.

"Hey," I said sitting on my bed across from him.

He looked at me.

"I'm sorry for punching you," I said.

"Cool," Jeno pet Baozi. "I guess I am too,"

"Are you actually sorry?" I asked without even realizing I said that. "You don't need to answer that."

"Yeah," Jeno looked at me again. "Do you actually like me?"

"W-Why are you asking me that?" I blushed.

"Just wondering," Jeno said. "Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm sooooooorrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyy."

"For what?" I asked.

"For asking that question," Jeno said. "Yo. I think you're cat is pregnant."

"What?" I questioned. "How do you know?"

"I was petting your cat's stomach and it felt like something was coming out of it, if that makes sense." Jeno said. "Here. Gimme your hand."

Without even thinking i gave him my hand. Shit. He was holding my hand. Oh my god. Jeno took my hand and rubbed it against Baozi's stomach.

"Do you feel it?" Jeno asked.

"Yeah," I said. "It lowkey feels like I'm harassing my cat right now."

Jeno laughed. "You're weird,"

I smiled. "Better to be weird than ordinary."

"Haha, yeah." Jeno smiled. "Hey dude,"

"Hmm?" I looked at Jeno.

"I'm really sorry," Jeno said. "I'm just stupid for being like that. Also for beating up Haechuck or Haecheol whatever his name is."

I laughed. I laughed so hard I almost lost my voice. "HAECHUCK HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!!"

Jeno laughed with me. "I don't remember his name."

We laughed for what felt like forever until we cooled ourselves down.

"Hey," Jeno said. "You're fun to hang out with. Ya wanna be friends. Let's just put the past behind us."

I looked at him with a smile. "Sure,"

We were called downstairs to eat dinner as everyone got along and bonded like a big family. Apparently now my mom and Jeno's mom are like best friends. And now I was friends with Jeno.

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