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I woke up and saw three people. My mom, Yoonseo, and Jeno. I rose up and looked around, I was in a hospital. I looked straight in front of me.

What the fuck.

My left leg was broken and there was a bandage around my head. The stairs really hurt me this badly.

"Oh!" My mom rushed towards me. "You're finally awake! Thank god you're fine!"

My mom and Yoonseo tried their best to hug me without hurting me.

"What time is it?" I asked.

"It's 3:49pm," Yoonseo said. "You're mom and I have to go to a meeting though. So Jeno's here to keep ya company!"

My mom and her girlfriend left and it was just me and Jeno.

"Uhmm.." he looked at me. "Are you okay? How'd you fall?"

"I was being an idiot and ran down the stairs," I said. "I'm fine now I guess."

"Well, you forgot your phone at school." Jeno handed me the phone.

"How do you know it was mine?" I asked grabbing the phone.

"Your wallpaper," Jeno said. "It had a picture of you, Chenle, Renjun, and Donghyuck."

"Oh well thanks," I smiled and he smiled back at me. Awww.

Jeno had stayed a little longer and we talked about the stupidest things ever but it was worth it. Anything he said just made my heart melt a little. How can someone be so adorable?

Jeno had soon left (and he said he would come back tomorrow) and I was left alone at the hospital. I did my homework and tried my best to get out of bed and use the bathroom. Almost peed on myself but it's okay now.

Dear Diary
December 13, 2018

Yesterday I was a total idiot and fell down the stairs.

Was I embarrassed?

But everything's fine. Jeno came to come see me today. He gave me homework for any class that I had and I just thought that was super fucking sweet of him.

When Jeno was trying to speak in English to practice he sounded so fucking adorable my heart bursted so many uwus.

Okay well I'm tired. Peace out Diary.

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