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I wiped my tears and stood up and looked at the women, "I love Jeno."

"And Jeno loves you,"

"What!" My eyes were the biggest they have ever been. "Jeno loves me?"

"Yes," Jeno's mom had a humongous smile. "He probably loves you more than you love him."

I couldn't help but smile. I kept replaying what she said in my head.

"Jeno loves you,"

"Jeno loves you,"

"Jeno actually likes me?" I said once again. "But he beats the absolute shits out of me! Why does he like me! He's a homophobic!"

"Oh gosh," Jeno's mom laughed. "He told us all about you on his first day of high school. He couldn't stop talking about you to us we got so annoyed we locked him in his room. He only hurts you because he's stupid and doesn't know how to start good conversations. Jeno's kind of like you, you both kind of get mad easily and just use violence to put it out."

I smiled. I couldn't get over the fact that his mom was really saying this but only then a frown came to my face. "Are you just saying this to cheer me up?"

"No, of course I wouldn't. Jeno really likes you!" His mom argued back. "That's why I wanted to do another dinner so it can be like another chance for Jeno to talk to you again. Last time at the other dinner you two got along pretty well. Also Jeno kinda wanted this to happen but knowing what had happened in the restaurant earlier he's going to cry himself to sleep."

I nodded and thought to myself, "Same,"

"Please just give Jeno another chance," his mom said, "he's loves you and wants to know you more."

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