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Dear Diary,
October 13, 2018

It's currently Tuesday and I hadn't seen Jeno at all yesterday at school. I'm kind of happy not to see him because I won't get hurt :)

I haven't told anyone about what we did on that night but I'm worried that Jeno will tell someone.

I put my diary away into my backpack and went to school. I walked up to my locker and saw that Jeno was indeed here. Standing by my locker waiting for me. I lightly pushed him aside to put my things away.

"Hey," he said. "Why'd you leave me hanging there yesterday?"

"Well my mom texted me to go home while I was in the bathroom," I lied. "Sorry."

Jeno smiled. "It's fine,"

The school continued on and soon ended.

Humongous time skip

Dear Diary
December 10th, 2018

So it's a Saturday and umm Jeno still doesn't like me and it's the middle of the school year already. Like what does it take for a straight boy to like some guy?

I mean..well he is straight.

Right now I'm in the friend zone. Ugh so fucking depressing.

I love Jeno though. But his bitchy ass doesn't like me UGH

It was 7:38pm and I went to take a shower. After I put some clothes on I went downstairs to see what Yoonseo and my mom were doing. Yes, she lives with us now. They're not married yet but they love each other uwu. Chenle, Renjun, and Donghyuck decided to all sleep over at Chenle's place tonight.

"Hey, mom." I said. "Can I sleep over Chenle's?"

"Sure," she smiled. "You want me to drop ya off?"

I nodded and went to get ready. I packed a hoodie, sweatpants, ripped jeans, and two shirts. I had to say but I was just the most stylish out of all four, hyuck is second. My mom soon dropped me off then my bros and I got lit. We had some soda, pizza and played video games.

The next morning consisted of an 18 and under hangover. Everyone was tired and we all didn't wake up until one in the afternoon. Today was a Sunday and Sunday's are usually relaxing days but not for us. We went outside and had a snowball battle. Thank god Chenle's backyard was huge. Renjun and I were on a team and hyuck and lele were another. We built humongous snow forts and whoever's fort fell apart first lost. Sadly The Litty's (Renjun and I) lost. Call us little kids but we bet money so $40 to chenle and Donghyuck tomorrow.

My mom had picked me up and soon we went home. I looked out the window and saw more snow fall. The snow was beautiful like Jeno and also melts my heart like snow. I love Lee Jeno. uGH WhY DOESn'T hE LoVE ME!

Dear Diary,
December 12, 2018

I lost my phone and don't know where it is. Can't text Chenle now (thank god).

I looked in my room or basically just around my house and couldn't find my damn phone.


Anyways, today the teacher decided it would be the awesome decision to change our seats. Ugh. Now Jeno sits in front of me. But thank the heavens Chenle and Haechan are next to me.


They're gonna be pestering Jeno.

Fuck my life.

I put the diary in a special place as I heard someone yelling my name. Running down the stairs before I practically tripped over my own foot, landing on my face.

I screamed in pain and horror, I couldn't feel anything. How could this happen just from falling down the stairs? I looked up and saw Yoonseo, my mom and...Jeno? What was he doing here?

I was crying the hardest I ever was probably even more than when I was born. I touched my head and saw something even worse, blood.

I screamed and cried, "Mommy!!" I was embarrassed as fuck but I wanted to go back in time and tell myself to walk down the stairs. It was even more embarrassing with Jeno there seeing my cry and yell "mommy."

My mom was yelling at Jeno and Yoonseo telling them to hurry. Why? Oh, Jeno's carrying me. Wow. Yoonseo looks like shes going to cry so did my mom. Was I dying?

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