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Dear Diary,
January 13, 2019

I asked Jaemin out about a month ago and I don't regret it.

After months of us bickering and picking fights, I finally got him.

I don't regret any of my moments with him now. I love him and he loves me and I'm happy about that.

The boy who I've been crushing on for years is finally mine. Just gotta make sure I don't lose him.

I've cherished every moment I spent with him the whole entire (almost) month I've been with him. Everything from us just having normal conversations about school to me taking Jaemin out on dates.

Na Jaemin just takes the majority of heart now (the rest are for my cats :))

Everything about him
His eyes
The way he talks
The way he just clings on to me
The way he hugs and kisses me
I just love it all

Okay well.

Jaemin and I are going to the arcade with Donghyuck and the others.

- Lee Jeno

Dear Diary,
January 13, 2019

About a month ago, I was asked out by Lee Jeno and what did I say?

Y to the E to the mother fucking S

The times I spend with him are just times spent well. I love being with him even if it's just a picture of him on my phone because I'll know he'll be supporting me!

I love him and he loves me. I can't believe my love story just ends like this. Two fights and a fractured ankle led me to kissing Lee Jeno in a classroom.

Anything he does just sparks a light in my eyes. This man that I love just took away my heart and I'm thankful for that.

My mom told me that when this diary has a better ending than anything else then I won't need it anymore.

Lee Jeno gave this diary a better ending. Well, this diary was mostly just me crushing over him until he finally loved me back but without me knowing that he loved me everything just messed up. But ya know, everything's better.

My mom also told me that when everything in my life is perfect this 'stress' diary won't be in use anymore.


The End.

-Na Jaemin

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