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Dear Diary,
December 15, 2018

Okay so like Jeno has been like a really sweet boyfriend the only thing is he isn't my boyfriend! :,)

He brings my homework that I missed and then the next day he takes it in to get graded and stuff. Also Chenle and the rest had visited me and Chenle gave me this teddy bear that said "get well soon dude"

Anyways. Jeno should be coming today.

It was only 2:16pm and I did nothing today but do my homework and play on my phone. My mom and Yoonseo had visit me sometimes but they mostly had work. So I decided to take a nap.

"...Na Jaemin...Na Jaemin..."

My eyes opened up and I swear I almost had a heart attack. Jeno was looking at me.

He smiled. "I brought your homework. It's just English, we learned about their culture and slang words." He laughed and then whipped. "Yeet."

I laughed. How could one be so adorable.

"Also, I don't know if ya heard but," Jeno said. "Chenle and Jisung are dating now."

I practically jumped out of the bed. "They're dating!! Since when?"

"Since like yesterday," Jeno explained. "They we're holding hands and then Donghyuck sarcastically said 'oh what are you guys, dating now' and to everyone's surprise Chenle said yes."

"Oh my god!" I said. "Chenle didn't tell me any of this!"

We talked more about the new couple and soon I started doing my homework with Jeno helping me. Jeno had this black notebook and it looked exactly like my notebook (diary). It's fate was all I could think of.

Jeno grabbed the black notebook and put it in his backpack. "Well, I gotta go. See ya tomorrow!"

"Yeah, bye!" I waved as he left.

I quickly grabbed my diary and opened it up seeing different handwriting.

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