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He's a fake. He's a fake. He's a fake. He's a fake.He's a fake. He's a fake.He's a fake. He's a fake.

Jeno is a fake.

I walked into the school building and saw Chenle and Renjun near Jisung's locker. They were waiting for him to get there and go to class together. I wanted to talk to Jisung also. About Mark and Jeno and also if he's gay because he literally ditched his "cool people" friends for the happy, gay ones. Jisung walked over to his locker and I quickly yanked him away. Jisung's eyes were big for once and Chenle and Renjun stood there in shock.

I dragged him with me to the nearest bathroom and told him what I had heard about him and the basketball team plan.

"Yeah, I know." Jisung said. "I was planning to quit the team anyways,"

I asked him why as he simply replied with, "I was forced to join,"

I asked him why again, "Mark and Jeno were the top two best ones out of the audition or something and for the last part of their audition they needed a third person so they choose me. And I only got in because for some reason I can run fast, I have big hands, and I'm tall." Jisung explained then he laughed, "I might actually go to tonight's meeting I wanna see them kick me out."

"Boi that ain't good," I said, "But for the fun of it you should go,"

We both laughed until the best question came to my mind. "So do you like Chenle?"

"What!? Where'd you get that from?" Jisung's face got red.

"When we went to the arcade," I said, "I heard you mumble that Chenle was cute. "

Jisung blushed, "Okay fine I like him! But hyung don't tell anyone, please!"

"Okay," I smiled, "Oh, don't tell anyone that I said this-actually don't even tell anyone about this but Chenle likes you too."

Jisung grew a bigger smile, "Why?"

"He said that you're cute and handsome," I explained, "but he was too scared to talk you because he said that you were too cool for him. He was also low-key scared of you because you were tall and whenever you played basketball you were serious. But knowing Chenle for six years, he said that it's hot."

Jisung laughed, "That's so cute!"

I laughed too, "Yalls would be a cute couple,"

We both left the bathroom and went to our home classes. For once I was scared to go to that class because after I flipped Mark and Jeno off I was being chased. It was like a pack of hungry wolves or that one scene in Frozen where the wolves chased Anna and Kristoff in that snow sleigh thing.

I sat in my seat and actually payed attention to what the teacher was announcing until Jeno walked over to me. I looked at him and he sat down across from me turning his chair.

'You're fake," I said.

"You're a bitch," Jeno said.

I slapped him, he slapped me back. I punched his face and he did it back. I pushed him. Another fight broke out as I literally ran outside the classroom being a wimp and hid in the bathroom  where I met Mark. He was washing his hands as I locked the whole bathroom down. Mark starred at me.

"Is there an intruder or something?" Mark asked, "because the right answer for that is to run out of the building."

"No," I panted. "Don't go out!"

He was close to the door, "Oh what? Am I being held hostage now or something?"

"No, your friend is literally going to kill me!" I explained, "Please don't go outside, hyung!"

Mark let go of the door lock, "Which friend?"

"Jeno," I said.

"Oh," Mark looked at me carefully, "you're that one kid who flipped us off aren't you?"

"What!" I awkwardly smiled, " probably ran into my twin brother, Jaesung."

Mark walked closer to me, "I know you. Donghyuck's friend. That gayass got rejected by a straight guy. Meaning that you're gay also. Look if this is a plan to get me to date Donghyuck, it ain't gon work."

"This isn't!" I shouted. "Fuck you, you're no help. Jeno will might as well kill me." I unlocked the door and the last thing I saw were Jeno's fists.

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