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"For the last time Donghyuck, no!" Renjun said.

"Why?" Donghyuck whined. "There's five of us! Hence Jackson 5! I'll be Michael Jackson, yalls can be the others."

"I think I should be Pennywise," Chenle laughed and then gasped. "I can do his dance!"

"I thought we were going as crayons.." Jisung said. "I think the crayons are a great idea."

"Thank you, Jisung." I said. "The rainbow crayons is an amazing idea!"

"We need someone to be purple," Donghyuck said with sass. "We need another friend!"

"No, we don't." Renjun said.

"Unless you guys wanna be the boy version of the Sailor Scouts." I said with sarcasm.

They all looked at me with smiles.


"I should be Sailor Moon!" Donghyuck said.

"Boi no!" Chenle said. "You should be Sailor Mars!"

"Yeah," I said. "You're Sailor Mars because she and you are both mean and salty. Jisung should be Jupiter 'cause he's the tallest and he's sporty and that stuff."

"Then Chenle should be Sailor Venus," Renjun suggested. "Church boy and Venus. Then there's Mercury, Moon, you and me."

"How's your grades," I asked.

"All A's," Renjun said. "I'll be Mercury, she's my favorite anyways."

"Well then, I'm Usagi-Chan." I smiled. "We'll buy costumes two weeks before Halloween."

Everyone agreed and we all soon left the park and went to our own homes.


Dear Diary,
October 10

Tomorrow we're going to buy our costumes. We decided instead of skirts we would wear the certain colored pants.

Also I was being a creep today and I overheard people talking about what Jeno and Mark were going to be. Jeno was a prince and Mark was going to be some detective from an anime.

Jeno will look super cute in his prince outfit. I love him so much but I hate him a lot.

And I'm dreading for tonight because my mom and Jeno's mom decided that they're gonna do another meeting thing and she's bringing her child. Also we're all going to meet my mom's girlfriend for the first time.

I'm high key excited to meet her.

It was only 5:30pm as my mom was gone and went to pick her girlfriend up. I was told to get myself ready before 6:15 because we were going to eat out. And my mom also told me that we were going to Jeno's house for some reason and I'm dreading it.

I want to bring Baozi but Baozi recently gave birth. Jeno was right all along and boom she gave birth to five kittens in the bathroom.

I put on some formal shirt my mom picked out for me and black skinny jeans. I charged my phone quickly so I can write on my Notes when I needed to. The doorbell rang and I walked downstairs to open it. There stood a girl with short, black hair and bangs.

"Hi," She smiled and waved. "I'm Kim Yoonseo, your mom's girlfriend."

I shook her hand. "I'm Jaemin,"

"Oh," She smiled. "I've heard a lot about you. Your mom talks so much about you. Well let's go and meet the other family."

I nodded and locked the door and went to the car. Yoonseo wasn't how I imagined and it looks like she wouldn't date my mom. My mom is like those hardcore biker chick lesbians and Yoonseo doesn't even look lesbian but she seems very nice. [no offense to anyone]

"Well, Jaemin," My mom said. "What do you think?"

"Well if you support me then I'll support you," I smiled. "I love my gay family."

Yoonseo smiled and agreed. We got to the restaurant as I could see Jeno and his family sitting next to the window. I dreaded this whole day and today I was supposed to go shopping for the costumes with Chenle but no. We all entered and sat across from Jeno's family. I looked at him, ugh how much I just want to punch that bitch in the face. I took my phone and started writing.

Dear Diary,
October 10

It's like 6:30 and I'm at this bitch ass restaurant with this bitch ass family.

I met my mom's girlfriend though. She seems nice I guess. I dreading to go to Jeno's house though. I just want to sit in the car and wait for my mom and Yoonseo.

"Na Jaemin, get off your phone."

I turned my phone off and put it in my pocket and looked at the ground. That dumbass was sitting across from me with the scariest yet most handsome face ever.

"Ugh Jaemin!" I whispered to myself. "He hates you just stop."

Jeno's mom looked at me, apparently she had heard me and started a conversation. "Jeno why won't you say sorry to Jaemin? You hurt him so much."

"Why should I?" Jeno said causing me to look at him. "He started all the fights."

I argued back. "So what if I did! You came to me first. The first fight you went through my privacy and the second you came and sat across from me! I might as well sue you for harassment!"

"You bitch!" Jeno got up. "Fight me with your gayass!"

I stood up in anger. "Okay you shitface I will!"

I punched that jerk's face and he kicked my leg causing me to fall. I couldn't get up and I wanted help. Yoonseo helped me up and Jeno's dad had held him from killing me.

My mom and I swapped seats and I was sitting across from Jeno's dad. I wanted to punch Jeno's family right in their god damn faces. I put my head down and went on my phone the whole time, not even talking to a single soul in that restaurant. Everyone was talking and eating while my side of the table was empty. I didn't dare to look up and eat. I grabbed my phone and my coat and just walked out.

"Na Jaemin!" My mom shouted from across the room. "Come back over here!"

I ignored her and just left. I sat on the corner of the restaurant where no one would find me. A waterfall of tears came out, I took my phone out and started writing.

I love Jeno so much but he hates me. I don't want to fight him anymore I want to hug him and love him. Jeno's a bitch to me but it's the only way I can talk to him or even be with him.

I don't hate Jeno I love him. But he'll reject me because he's a homophobic asshole.

I want to go home and lock myself in my room forever.

"Jaemin?" Someone called me. It was a voice I barely heard. It wasn't my mom nor was it Yoonseo but it was a voice from a girl. "Jaemin?"

I didn't dare to move but my hard crying made her find me. It was Jeno's mom.

"Oh dear Jaemin." His mom picked me up from the arm eventually getting me to stand up. "Stop your crying. Tell me why you left."

Tell her? Tell her everything? I just love your son but your son hates the shits of me.

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