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Donghyuck's POV

"LEE JENO!" Chenle ran towards that dick sitting next to mark. "How could you! Jaemin is in the hospital!"

Chenle was cute, small squish but right now he was ready to slap some hoes. And he did but Jeno only did it back. I pulled Chenle away from Jeno to stop anymore fighting and took him and Renjun behind the school. All three of us sat there, how could the people that we liked fireback at us just for being gay? Fucking homophobics. We sat there in silence as Chenle was crying and Renjun was trying to call the hospital to see how Jaemin was doing.

"Lele," I said, "Just forget about it. You started it anyways."

"But he's a bully towards us and Jaemin!" Chenle shouted. "I-I-uGH."

"Just curse, church boy." I said.

"I fucking hate them!" Chenle shouted angrily. "Jeno hurt Jaemin and Mark hurt you! They're both stupid mother fuckers!"

Renjun looked at Chenle with eyes wide open, mine's were too. It was the first time I've ever heard Chenle curse. Chenle continued at cursing at them before Renjun told him to stop and we all got up and went to class, skipping lunch. We had english class next and I was dreading to go we had that bitch Jeno and people who were actually stupid. Chenle and I sat in the two front desks as everyone started coming in and waiting for the class to start. Ten and Johnny came in but they also came in with two other guys.

"Okay class!" Johnny said in english silencing the class. "Today we have two special guests who will be with us during this week and the next. He is Chinese and this other guy is Japanese."

They both bowed and introduced themselves.

"Hi, I'm Sicheng."

"Nakamoto Yuta,"

Some kid raised their hand, "Why are they here?"

"Well," Ten started, "They are here to tell about how hard it is to learn a different language and why it's important and give you better credit when you enter colleges."

Class went on as both guests talked in korean since they actually didn't know how to speak english. They talked about why they came to Korea and their journey to learning it. Soon the four teachers started handing out papers. That Japanese dude was really clingy towards the chinese guy. They actually look cute together, they made my heart burst an uwu.

Class ended which soon ended the school day. Renjun, Chenle, and I walked over to the hospital that Jaemin was said to be in. We all walked in and waited until we were able to go in his room.

"Na Jaemin?" Chenle said opening the door slowly. Jaemin's mom was there sitting reading a magazine as Jaemin was watching tv while sitting in bed. He had a huge black eye and a bandage around his head. We all walked in, I sat a pile of papers on the side desk and said it was homework. We all talked about what had happen at lunch and all Jaemin did was laugh.

"Hey!" Chenle pouted, "Why are you laughing? He does the same thing to you."

"I'm laughing because you know that when I hit him he hits back," Jaemin explained. "And you had the guts to do it too."

"I might get a suspension but it doesn't matter," Chenle smiled. "I just don't tell my parents and pretend I'm going to school but I'll just be at the arcade."

"Chenle, you're gonna get in so much trouble." Renjun said. "You're parents are strict about your education."

"Don't be like Kun hyung!" Chenle said. "Hyung is sooo boring and mature."

I looked at Chenle, "Kun?"

"My older brother," Renjun said.

Jaemin and I nodded.

"Wait, but doesn't Yukhei drop you off at school sometimes?" I asked.

"Yeah, but I'll tell him that I need to exercise and I'll walk." Chenle smiled.

"So when you gonna get out of the hospital," Renjun asked.

"Doctors said Wednesday," Jaemin's mom said. "Anyways, Nana, I have a meeting that I have to go. I'll be back tomorrow."

And with that Jaemin's mom left.

"Jeno knocked you out that hard that now you're in the hospital," I said. "No wonder, your head is always empty, must've been easy."

Jaemin laughed which made me happy because during these rough days I haven't seen his show his charming smile.

Jaemin's POV

Dear diary,
October 2nd, 2018

Today is Friday and it has been a normal week ever since I got out of the hospital on Wednesday. Jeno and Mark got suspended for a week and in english we got these two guests from foreign countries.

Jeno is bitch and he's so fucking mean. I hate myself for liking for like TWO YEARS! Ugh ew.

Anyways, since Halloween is this month we are planning on going as crayons. I will be red, Donghyuck is orange, Chenle is yellow, Renjun is green and Jisung is blue.

We're just your average gay teenagers (hence the colors we choose heh)

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