A Fond Memory

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"There's only one place that has the plans to build another Castle of Lions," Pidge said, a small smile creeping onto her face. "Coran gave them to my dad."

Ash looked at Keith hopefully. He walked over to her and took her hands in his. He placed a soft kiss on her forehead before gazing into the distance with the rest of the crew.

"We're going home."


"I brought a special guest along today. I'm sure you all recognize him; he's the youngest pilot to lead a mission into space," Ash gazed at her brother with interest, but her gaze soon turned to Keith. He seemed bored, looking out the window. She reached over and grabbed his hand. Startled, he jumped in his chair and turned towards her. She gave a small smile and turned her attention back to the man in the front, her hand still attached to Keith's.

"Takashi Shirogane," the teacher finally finished. The class clapped. Shiro gazed around the room and spotted Ash. A small smile crept upon his face.

"Thanks for having me," he said. The murmurs sprouted in the room, Ash feeling proud to be the younger sister of a legend.

Shiro went on about the video game test; Ash had done it multiple times before, as Ash started living with Shiro and Adam in their dorm after an incident at home. She never really talked with anyone besides Adam; but she wasn't about to complain. Ash looked up to Adam; she aspired to be just like him when she got older.

The class all filed outside, and Shiro let Ash demonstrate how the simulator worked. She couldn't help but smile at the murmurs that continued to sprout around the room.

"She's so lucky to be his sister!"
"I hear she does this all the time!"
"Is it true she actually lives at the garrison?"

Ash finished up her demo, and flashed Keith a smile. She didn't notice the small blush that crept upon his face as she finished up the explanation.

"Any questions?" She asked with a smile. She was oblivious to the few boys in the audience who were gazing at her with an intense interest. She did, however, see the hand that flew up near the back. She gestured towards the hand, signaling for the kid to speak.

"What's your high score on the simulator?" Asked a kid Ash has seen a few times, but never knew the name of.

"Uh, I'm not sure. Shiro?" She turned towards her brother with a questioning gaze on her face. He seemed to be in thought for a brief moment before answering.

"Level sixty-three, I think," he stated. The crowd gasped in interest as Ash pulled her hoodie over her face in embarrassment. She stepped away from the crowd and walked up to her brother.

"How'd I do?" She asked, beaming up at him. Shiro smiled down at her and placed a hand on her brown haired head. He turned around and hoisted his sister onto her back; easily due to his strength and her small frame.

She supervised the lesson, her elbow resting on his shoulder, head in her hand. Shiro's arms were wrapped securely around her legs, preventing her from falling off.

"We've had some great attempts, but nobodies made it past level three," he said with amusement. He looked at Keith. "Guess your the only one left."

Keith looked up at Shiro with a shocked expression, but it softened as he saw Ash give him a smiling thumbs up. Hesitantly, he walked over to the simulator.

Within moments, he'd passed level five. Ash gave him a cheer from atop Shiro's back. The teacher had come up behind them and tapped Shiro's shoulder. Ash stayed quiet as they began conversing about the students who would make the best for Garrison. Ash couldn't stay quiet when she looked through the list and didn't see Keith on there. He was the best pilot in the class.

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