A Bond's Power

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   "Cmon guys, catch up!" Shiro called back to them. Keith and Ash shared a knowing glance. It'd been almost a year since the incident with James. Ash was now 14, Keith 16.
   Ash sped up her craft and caught up with Shiro. She offered him a smile and a two-finger salute before sending it faster, passing him with ease. The three sped around corners, over ledges, and many other obstacles in the rocky desert terrain.
   Ash and Shiro approached a very familiar ledge. They both gave each other a smirk before speeding up. They dove off of the edge of the cliff, and landed the craft skillfully without it ever stopping moving forward. Keith stood there in awe, a small smile creeping on his face as he stared after them. Ash looked back for a brief moment and waved, smiling. Keith returned a small wave.

   Keith came rushing up, an excited smile plastered on his face.
   "Okay, you guys won this round. But I'll get you next race!" He said. Ash let out a chuckle and walked over to Keith. Standing on her tippy toes, she leaned her arm on his shoulder. He stuck out his tongue at her; Ash's height was always a fun joking matter.
   "I don't doubt it," Shiro chuckled. Ash walked Keith over to the craft. She hoisted herself up onto the fin they were both leaned against.
   "How'd you guys do that dive anyways?" Keith questioned. Ash nudged Shiro with her elbow before smirking at him.

   "Hey, Keith," Ash said, grabbing Keith's sleeve before he turned away. Keith had insisted on walking Ash back to Adam's and Shiro's dorm. Ever since the incident with James, Keith didn't like her being alone, anytime, of any day.
   "I'm sorry, about your dad," she sighed. He glanced down at her sadly.
   "Hey, don't worry about it. I've got you," he said, briefly grazing her cheek with his curved pointer finger. Ash smiled at his touch before bringing Keith into a hug. He tensed up; at the time, he was still getting used to it. They'd also never hugged when they were out of Ash's parents view. They'd been a close friend of Keith's father, and everyday when Keith had to leave, Ash's parents would make Ash give Keith a goodbye hug.
   Keith's dad often teased him about it. And that was how Keith realized he'd had true feelings for Ash- he dared not tell anyone though. Keith slowly eased into her touch, sighing.
   They let go of each other. Ash offered him one last smile before she retreated inside the dorm. Keith smiled softly as she closed the door.
   As soon as Ash was inside, Adam swarmed her, jokingly.
   "Was that a boy? Did he touch you? Do we need to go to the gay clinic and get you fixed?" Although it was all in good fun, Ash scoffed at the last part.
   "Adam... I'm straight," she said. Adam raised an eyebrow at her.
   "You don't know that yet~" he cooed. Ash again scoffed, and ran at Adam, running to barrel him over. The problem was, Ash was still short compared to him. Adam easily grabbed her torso and flipped her over his shoulder, laughing.
   Ash's laughs filled the room. Shiro watched happily from the stool he sat at. He couldn't be more grateful that his significant other and younger sister got along so well.

   Ash had gotten to go back to the dorm early. She got her days off a few classes early due to the fact that Shiro was leaving; the garrison wanted her to have as much time as possible with him. Nobody knew how long the mission would take.
   Ash hopped off of bed as she heard the door close, signaling Shiro was back. She rushed down the hallway, only to stop at the corner. She shrunk back into the shadows to hear Shiro and Adam conversing. She'd never heard them talk to each other like that before.
   "Everything okay?" Adam asked, turning around on his stool to face Shiro. Shiro threw his bag on the couch and slumped onto the couch after it.
   "Iverson thinks I shouldn't be on the mission. Called in the big guns." He said with a sigh. Shiro rubbed his wrist where is band was. Ash watched with a sad gaze.
   "Well... maybe he's right. Maybe you shouldn't go on the mission. You'll only be putting yourself at risk." Adam replied. Ash looked at her feet; she felt selfish. She didn't want Shiro to go either, but not because he was sick. She didn't want to loose him for only god knows how long.
   "It's worth the risk! You know how important this is to me," Shiro said through gritted teeth. Ash felt a wave of tears coming on. She pinched her nose to muffle the sniffles that were threatening to escape.
   "Takashi." Adam slammed his teacup back on the saucer. "How important am I to you? Every mission... every drill... I've been right there with you. But this.. is more than a mission. This is your life." Adam lashed. Shiro gave it a frustrated sigh before leaning back on the couch.
"Don't start that again Adam! You don't need to protect me." Shiro refused to look at Adam. Ash felt her heart breaking. The couple she looked up to, seemed to be falling apart in front of her eyes. "This is something I need to do for myself."
"There's nothing left for you to prove. You've broken every record there is to break." Adam finally turned towards Shiro, concern laced in his voice. "I know I can't stop you. But i won't go through this again."
Adam picked up his bag and stood up, Shiro still refusing to look at him.
"If you decide to go, don't expect me to be here when you get back." That was the line that broke Ash's heart. Her gaze filled with horror.
"I've got a class to teach." Adam finished, standing up. He threw his back over his shoulder and began walking towards the door. Ash couldn't take it. She broke down.
Both Adam and Shiro heard her muffled cries from the hallway, and turned in the direction of the noise to see Ash standing in the dark hallway.
She ran out from the hallway over to Adam, and wrapped her arms around his torso.
"Don't leave. Please," she pleaded in between her cries. "Promise me you'll come back. Promise."
Ash clung to Adams jacket. She soon felt Adam return her hug.
Adam knelt down, forcing Ash to look him in the eyes. He offered her a sad smile.
"I promise. I'll be back for you," he sighed. Ash couldn't bring herself to smile, but instead hugged Adam again.
"Good... you promised. You better keep it," she whispered. She felt Adam nod. They pulled apart, and Ash watched as Adam disappeared out the door.


"Shiro!" Ash breathed, seeing her brother in front of her, sitting up. She jogged over to him and enclosed him into a hug, smiling.
"Where've you guys been?" Keith questioned. Lance jumped into the story of how they were shrunk, resized, the yellmors, and other things. Once he finished, both Shiro and Ash let out a small chuckle.
"It's good to be back."

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