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| You get into an accident |

(Full on disclaimer and warning this book is kind of shit in terms of plot, writing, character development and is just genuinely cringe. I will emphasize this heavily if you ask me that what I think of my own book, which is why it's been rewritten! If you're new, you can find the new version on my account if you want to avoid anything bad, but if you want to read all of this, that's also fine! I just wanted to greet anyone and let them know beforehand.)

(So we good?)


You were tired.

You were so fucking tired

You haven't had a proper meal in over, three weeks, you would say?

Then again, why was the last time you had a proper healthy meal?

And stars, your car smelled horrible.

Not because it was dirty, you actually cleaned it last week! Nothing like that!

It was because you smelled.

Like, Bo Burnham "haven't showered in 11 days" smelled.

And you haven't had a shower in over 11 days so yeah, your car smelled like literal shit.

Why are you treating yourself poorly you ask?



Look, you absolutely loved your job and you wouldn't trade it for the world.

But for some reason, your dumbass decided to work extra hours.

Which, you technically don't need to do since you get paid over $700 dollars a week and pay your taxes/bills on time.

And you really need a break.

Luckily for you, it was Saturday! And your off days were Sunday and Sunday only! So, since it was Saturday you can probably take a shower, eat a proper meal that will probably kill your liver in about 5 years, and watch all the Netflix you want, right?

Of course, life is never that simple.

Toriel had called and asked you to pick up Frisk from this presentation thing they had at this "School for the Gifted" or whatever, you zoned out in the conversation due to said lack of sleep. She said Sans was supposed too but he was god knows where and Papyrus was out of town with Undyne and would be back tomorrow.

The weird part of her request is that you go straight to her place.

Why won't you?

Alphys was on tour with Mettaton -

-again -

Napstablook was part of Mettaton's, pośe, and Asgore and Tori along with Asriel were meeting with the Mayor for an annual treaty check-up which is why you need to pick up Frisk in the first place.

So that left you with the skeleton brothers...


You'd call them but they never answered anymore.

And whenever they did they'd just say it's not a good time and hang up with no explanation.

They've been practically avoiding you the last two years, but it didn't really bother you.

You got used to people shutting you out a long time ago.


The parking lot of the school wasn't as crowded as you expected it to be if you're going to be honest. You came right on time as both adults and teenagers began pouring out of the gates, and you stood in front of your car feeling somewhat nervous to see the Ambassador themselves.

A Skeleton's Hope (Undertale AU's x Reader) DISCONTINUED/BEING REWRITTENWhere stories live. Discover now