Time For... Whatever The Hell This Is

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|Alex does you a favor you never asked for|

A little of sexual jokes and words
References to Huniepop

DanPlan: Okay, wtf does that even mean?

-It's a joke! The guy called the wrong house and ruined people's lives!

DanPlan: I don't see it as a joke

-Do you not know what a joke is?

DanPlan: I do know what a joke is

-Tell me one

DanPlan: Why did the chicken cross the road?

-That's not even a joke

DanPlan: Yes It's is! Everyone I tell it too loves it!

-What's funny about a chicken crossing the road, it's just a dark mini story

DanPlan: How so?


"[Y/N!]" You jump at the voice as you turn around to find Alex. You sigh and put your phone down.

"What's up?"

"I've been calling your name forever, who are you talking to?" You shrug.

"A friend." You answer trying to slip your phone into your pocket. Alex catches your action and quickly swipes it away from you reading your texts with Daniel.

"Who the hell is this? You know we can't use our phones while we're working."

'Look who's talking.'

"Waitttttttttttttt-" She looks at his headshot you set up and holds back her squealing.

"YOU HAVE DANIEL INK'S NUMBER?!" You cover her mouth shushing her but she's still all giddy.

"Yes, can you not yell it out to the fuckin' world?!" You hiss between your teeth. "I'm sorry, but this is Daniel Ink! Basically one of the most famous people in the country!" You roll your eyes.

"I'm not his friend for fame, I think he's a nice guy." Alex stares at you before smirking and typing away on your phone.

"What the hell are you doing?" You try to look at what she's typing but she holds you back before she presses send and hands it back to you.

-I can tell you the answer if you don't mind taking me out for dinner~

Blushing, you snap your head at her and gesture your hands to strangle her but she still has her shit-eating grin on her face.

"You'll thank me when he says yes."

"Why would he say yes?! He's probably busy as hell right now, and you just asked him-"

"Technically, you asked him out. I mean, it is your phone." You feel your face heat with anger before your phone buzzes agin. Hesitantly, you look.

DanPlan: I can clear my schedule on Sunday and pick you up at 6:00.

Your anger is replaced with embarrassment and slight happiness. Alex smirks mouthing, 'I told ya' so~' before walking away. Hesitate, you type back-

-Sounds good


You slam the front door behind you, rethinking your day. You worked most of it but you have a date on Sunday.

A Skeleton's Hope (Undertale AU's x Reader) DISCONTINUED/BEING REWRITTENWhere stories live. Discover now