Time To Know The Truth

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| You were kidnapped, but for a good reason |

You groan as your vision clears up to reveal you were in a wooden room with the wood rotting and the bed you were with covered in dust and dirt and the frame all rusty.

You get up with a pain in your neck. You roll it around as you have a weird feeling like you were forgetting something. Then it hit you like a ton for bricks.

The yelling, the hatred-

Your neck.

You press your hand against the spot the knife cut to feel a bandage. Weird. Why would they kidnap you and fix your cut?


They kidnapped you!

Where were you? There was a window and sunlight so you weren't underground-

That doesn't matter! You needs to leave now! You open your satchel-


Where's your bag?

You look around all over the small to find your bag is nowhere in sight. No. No no nononononon-!

That bag was basically your everything! It had all your things and prepared you for any situation! Your life was basically Murphys Law, what can go wrong will go wrong. The only other thing in the room was the door.

You had to leave.

Were people awake, were they dangerous-

Why did they hate the guys? You shake your head.

No time for this!

Escape now, questions later. You breathe in deeply before grabbing the doorknob-

To find it unlocked?

Weird but it doesn't matter. You pull the door slowly as hit quietly creaked. Oh lord dead don't die. You fully open the door you peak through to find a hallway with the same rotting wooden planks and barely any lights. The only lights were just at the end on the right but it was vague.

You walk out quietly closing the door behind you before checking the other rooms quietly looking for you bag. As you close the last door, something felt wrong. Ugh, this is why you need your bag! You turn around and chills go down your spine.

No one was there.

Okay, you weren't easily scared but you were terrified.

"taking a tour without the host is rude, don't you think?" You jump and turn around to find a skeleton, about Sans' height with the same jacket and shorts.

"S-Sans?" The man stood there, eerily quiet. Then in the blink of an eye, he's gone. Then behind you, you hear a door opening.


You turn invisible as you turn to find Sans once again, only-

That wasn't Sans.

His clothes were covered in red, his clothes torn and dirty. His expression was tired, he has his eyelids(?) half closed but with the light coming from the room-

A Skeleton's Hope (Undertale AU's x Reader) DISCONTINUED/BEING REWRITTENWhere stories live. Discover now