Thank you

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|This isn't goodbye. Just a thank you.|

When I was 11, I discovered ao3.

There I discovered Undertale fanfiction.

Then I discovered Six Skeletons, One Maid.

It was an Undertale AU reverse harem about the reader working as a maid for six skeletons to help her family.

The title's pretty self-explanatory.

Because of that, I found more fanfics similar to that.

I found drama, I found relationships, I found angst, I found everything an 11-year-old shouldn't have read but I did and I loved it.

I began imagining these dumb scenarios in my head that were just purely horrible and would today be considered crack, but I wanted them to be out there in the world. And as an 11-year-old kid, ao3 to me was for the big leagues so I went with the next best things.


I'd known about Wattpad for a few years by then so I thought I'd do it to be stupid and fun thinking no one would read them so I thought, "Why the hell not?"

I posted a few chapters over the past few months and I noticed I was getting close to 2K reads. At first, I thought, "Wow, these people have nothing better to do than reading crack." So all I thought was how people were reading something I did.

Then I met xNightingale_girlx.

She messaged me one day out of the blue and began to talk about how much she loved what I wrote and told me to read her story. At first, I did it to be nice and never speak to her again, now she's basically the first friend who knew what struggles I was going through and I could vent to her about it.

Night if you're reading this, I want to say thank you so much for all the support you've given me over the past few years. I love you so much and I'm grateful for your kindness.

I read her story and it motivated me more to write. To write something with meaning. To write something good and worthwhile.

To write a story.

To some people, fanfiction is just some dumb piece of work that people with a sad amount of free time make. And you know what?

It kind of is, but to me, it's more.

To me, it was self-expression. To me, I was open into a world I'd never seen. To me, I found something I'm good at and am considering a future in.


Undertale got me into writing. Fanfiction got me into writing. All of you got me into writing.

When I noticed people were enjoying this shitpost of a story and writing praise about it, I was shocked. People actually liked something I did, and growing up I got bullied a lot so everyone was pissed off whenever I did something so I wasn't expecting this.

That was why I wrote the Freedom Day chapter.

It was purely a rip-off of Six Skeletons and The Landlady but at the time I thought, "This is where the plot begins."

But over time, I began to take interest in other fandoms and other stories so much that it took my attention away from Undertale. Over time, my interest in the fandom was just gone.

But I kept writing.

I kept writing because I love writing and I didn't want to disappoint you guys.

But now...

But now I think I should stop.

Whenever I write for these stories, it feels forced. It feels like I'm not giving it my all and I want to but I can't. It feels like I'm disappointing the people who genuinely love what I write and I hate it.

But I hate myself for not doing what's right.

And what's right for me is stopping.

Here, I am officially discontinuing "A Skeletons Hope" and "Yeah... Always."

I don't want to but it's right.

I'm not interested in Undertale anymore, even though it had a special place in my heart. I'm always so busy with school and other things that I never have time to write so this is what needs to happen. I have regrets about what I used to write and want to just get rid of it all.

I wish I expanded more on the reader being a mage. I wish I gave every character equal time. I wish I didn't add so many. I wish I expanded on the reader's family and her sister because she could've been a big plot point. I wish I could change it all but it's too late.

To everyone reading, I want to say thank you.

You all encouraged me to write more which became something I now love and I thank you for that.

And to everyone reading, I truly am sorry.

I've promised that I'd finish it all but I feel like I've let you all down. So I'm sorry.

I do want to come back in the future and maybe finish it since it holds a place dear in my heart.

You may hate me, you may be mad at me, you can whine. I'm doing what's right for me and me alone. I've been noticing people demanding where I am and all I'm gonna say is that this is my choice, not yours.

If you guys want, I can post one more chapter explaining everything I had planned because I really went beyond with the plot.

You have my full permission to make up your own plots and you have my full permission to roleplay if you're into that, all I ask is that you credit me

Again, thank you.

Have a good day or night!

A Skeleton's Hope (Undertale AU's x Reader) DISCONTINUED/BEING REWRITTENWhere stories live. Discover now