Time To Go Shopping

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|You and one of the guys get to know each |
|other better and you find out how you met|
|the bros|

-[M/T]=Meat Stage
-[Y/H]=Your Height

You close your front door sighing with relief. You got to work early to avoid Edge complaining to you, again about something stupid like that your stoves fire isn't hot enough.

Stretch and Sans were out, so you wouldn't have to deal with him being a jerk and giving you the death glare 24/7. Edge basically always stayed in his room and Papyrus and Blue were playing Jenga. You had no idea where Red was but you didn't care.

The guys have been living with you for a few days and it wasn't so bad. The only thing you hated is Red and Edge fought at dinner over the stupidest things and whenever you left and came back, Red had hit marks and Edge just stomped away upstairs. You tried to help him but he just ignore you and walk away.

You hum as you swing to the kitchen. There was some chicken left over from Sunday, and you didn't eat a lot for lunch so you were gonna eat it, plus it was really good! You get to the kitchen and open the fridge empty. Only thing that was left was some cheese sticks and Sans' ketchup. You sigh and grab some sticks, close the door and head to the living room which connected to the garage and turn to Pap and Blue.

"You guys want anything? I'm going make burgers tonight." The mintue you say that, Papyrus turns to you and lights up which cause you to laugh.


"MISS [Y/N,] DON'T WE HAVE FOOD IN THE REFRIGERATOR?" You had a feeling Blue hated grease.


"I wouldn't say I'm good, and unless you want some cheese and ketchup you're having burgers Blue." You say, tossing them some of the cheese sticks you got. They shrugged and opened and ate it. Papyrus dug into his pocket and handed you a piece of folded paper and handed it to you.


"Sure Paps. See ya' later!" You were to open the garage when Blue grabbed your arm. He looked nervous.

"UMM, HUMAN? IF YOU'RE NOT BUSY, COULD WE WATCH A MOVIE TONIGHT? JUST US?" You'd prefer everyone else. But you had work and you really wanted to avoid Edge so much. But you didn't want to break his heart!

"Uhh, if it isn't to late, then we can watch a movie you like in my room." Blue's smile somehow got bigger and hugged you.

"I SHALL PICK THE BEST MOVIE OF ALL TIME!" He did so superhero pose and went back inside. You smiled and rolled your eyes. You opened the garage and get into your car, about to start the engine.

"heya." You jump slightly and turn to the other front seat to find Red, spinning your keys around his finger. You check your hand to not find them there and sigh.

"Very funny, now give them back." You say leaning to his side trying to get them back, he leans back and you can't move any further. He wags his finger and smirks.

"na ah ah sweetheart. i'm comin' with ya'."

"Take the bus!" You attempt to take it back again, but you failed.

"wrong answr'." He put the keys in his pocket and opens the car door.

"W-Wait! You can come, just give me my keys!" You hated to beg, but even though you've known Red for a few days you know he knew how to get what he wants. He turned around, closed the door and handed the keys to you smirking.

A Skeleton's Hope (Undertale AU's x Reader) DISCONTINUED/BEING REWRITTENWhere stories live. Discover now