Nothing Bad I Promise!

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It's been a while!

This isn't bad, really! Well maybe to some of you but hopefully some of you are sane.

I'm going on hiatus.


School for me is starting soon so with distance learning it's gonna be harder so I'm trying to prepare for that. Plus I've been also working on other projects that I might post on here or Quotev.

I used Wattpad because I had so many ideas to write down and I couldn't shove it away to I wrote this. It's special to me and I can't leave it unfinished. Not yet.

Think of this as a show and Season 1 has ended.

No wait, let me make it official -

End of Arc 1

Yes we have Arcs now. Deal with it.

Also sorry I've made you wait for the Q&A for years. I will get to it eventually I just don't know when. Also I will still be working on rewriting and new chapters for both ASH and YA.

I'll make an announcement on when the hiatus is over but in the meantime I do feel bad about this so you get actual story to hype you losers.


"Dr. McCallum! Dr. McCallum!"

The doctor sighed tiredly before turning around forcing a smile on his face turning to a fellow nurse he'd known as she caught her breath, holding a hand to her chest.

"My god..." She forced a chuckles as she stood up straight. "Doc, you know I'm not as young as I used to be!" The nurse chirps smiling sweetly.

"Ms. Samatha, I told you Simon is fine." The doctor stated pulling up his glasses as the nurse lined up some papers she had been holding using her small slightly wrinkled hands. "What are those?" Simon asked pointing to them.

"Oh!" She stares at them surprised before she began to pull out some envelopes from the pile. "Ms. Dolly went home already and she forgot to hand out some reports and mail today."

She pulled about four from the pile and handed it to the dark-skinned man who took them slightly confused, giving her a look that asked for more information. "Those are you! They're from a few years ago so I'm not sure if they're still important but maybe it's worth something."

"Ms. Samantha, these are almost 6 years old." Simon pointed out sarcastically.

"You know the UK Postal Services, everything being mixed up or delayed or whatever the bloody hell is happening." She explained laughing, Simon chuckling along with her tiredly.

"Alright, I'll read these really quick then I'm gonna head home." He states as he takes a look at the first envelope, slight surprised at the name of the sender.

"Well get a good nights rest! You have a busy schedule the next few months so you'll need the energy!" She laughs once more, Simon swallowing a groan as he nodded and waved goodbye to the old lady before walking away.

Fuck, he was so tired.

'Be a Doctor!' His parents said!

A Skeleton's Hope (Undertale AU's x Reader) DISCONTINUED/BEING REWRITTENWhere stories live. Discover now