Time For This Ship To Sail

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|Zane hands over the family yacht to you|
|year and some of the guys wanna take it|
|for a spin|


"Yes. It's your turn this year. Don't blow it up again."

"That was an accident."

"It still cost us a fortune."

"Cost ME a fortune."

"Babe, it was only 7 grand."

"Tina, it's still a lot of money." A door slammed open and your cousin yelps jumping a bit. You snicker as he glares at you before looking at the criminal behind the bang.

"PEASANT! I NEED MY DINNER, WHERE IS IT?" You groan and grab the keys from Zane before turn to your roommate, you has what you think is some magic vein popping from his forehead.

"Pa - Edge he skeleton, for the 178th time! I don't cook you dinner! Besides, you cook better then me." You complain to your roommate, quickly catching yourself as he gives you a death glare.

"PEASANT-" You clear your throat, you neck gesturing to your extended family, also with a look in your eyes saying, 'dude, chill the hell out.' As far as you knew, no one else aside from you, the Dreemer family and the others knew about the, "cousins" situation.

This made you wonder if the guys, mainly your Sans and Papyrus, fully trusted you. I mean you trusted them, you would even with your life-


-and they told you basically everything. Literally everything, to the smallest detail about their day. Like some weird dramatic fanfiction making it trying to make it suspenseful.

Edge forces himself to take a breath before he continues his focus on you. "HOW COME I MUST DO EVERYTHING AFTER A HARD DAY OF WORK?"

"I work 3 more hours then you, maybe more. Besides, Pap cooked yesterday, Blue the day before that, even Axe did a little."

"i was summoned?" You don't even turn around to know who it is. "YOU'RE NOT THE GENIE FROM ALADDIN!" You gasp.



"I WOULD NEVER-" You hug your roommate as he turns orange and Axe watches trying not to break. Your cousin clears his throat and you turn back to him.

"I'm sorry, but can you be careful with the yacht for once please?" You feel Edge freeze and his body shift before turning to you.

"YOU OWN A YACHT?!" You shrug. "Family shared every year. And it's ya' girl's turn this year, and this weekend I'm planning to go snorkeling by the coast." You explain. Edge all of a sudden he grabs your shoulders and-

His eye lights were needy-

Dear god that sounded kinky.

"PLEASE OF THE LIFE OF MALLORI TAKE ME WITH YOU!" You laugh nervously, he wanted to go with you somewhere-


Being forced by no one-

And no bribing?

You slap your hand on his forehead and he grunts and stares at it. "Are you feeling alright Edge?" He pushes you away and crosses his arms. "I'M FINE, IT'S JUST..." He fidgets with his fingers(?) embarrassed.

"I Like The Ocean." He practically whispers. You process this information before you smile.

"Sure! The more the merrier!" He looks at you with this look in his eye lights that makes you almost laugh. You knew he was a softy.

A Skeleton's Hope (Undertale AU's x Reader) DISCONTINUED/BEING REWRITTENWhere stories live. Discover now