Time For A Vacation - 2

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| You see some familiar faces and have a |
| karaoke competition |

This chapter may be cringey to you fellow readers, so preceded with caution!

[F/FIC] = Favorite Flavor Ice Cream

You slam the front door open, towel around your torso ending barely at your ankles, freezing. You loved the beach, but you hated getting out.

When you got up and headed downstairs in the morning, Blue tackled you to the ground demanding for you to put your swimsuit on. The others had dressed up already, and they waited for you at the beach near the water.

You wore a [F/C] one piece and wet-able black shorts. When you arrived with your things, you noticed Red have a hint on disappointment on his face which you smirked at.

The rest of the day, you either surfed with G and Green or built sand castles with Papyrus, Blue and Sans. You guys stayed until 5:00 PM before you got back to the beach house, dripped with water and Green turning the heat on. You sigh at the warmth.

"Finally!" You get shoved and you fall to the ground.

"Oww..." You look behind you to find Edge rolling his eye lights.


"Edge, you do too!"


"Oh, never the Great the Terrible Edge!" You sarcastically bow and walk away upstairs, ignoring Edge's "threats" to make your life hell. He does that already.


You peek out the bathroom door making sure no ones around. You were certainly wearing only jeans and a black bra with our hair was mostly dry. For some reason, the shirt you brought was missing so you quickly run to your room and shut the door behind you. You sigh and head to your duffle bag digging through to to find another shirt.

"lookin' good sweeth'art." You jump and look by the door to find Red where when the door was open, you wouldn't see him-




"Reddddd..." You say irritated. He smirks and twirls the shirt around his fingers.

"this is what you get for dissing my bro. if ya' ask nicely, i might give it back." Ughhhh! Why does he make you beg!?

"Stop being kinky! It's weird!" You complain.

"wrong ans'r." He walks out of the room, and you get up and run after him. He laughs and runs down the stairs faster. On the second floor, the stairs opened up to the living room since the roof was high for the guys. He was at the base of the stairs when you jump over the railing landing on top of him, the two of you rolling on the ground

"Give me my shirt!" He tried to keep it away from you by stretching his arm away from yours. You crawl a little bit getting closer and he hands it to you very quickly, which you grab and hold up triumphantly.

A Skeleton's Hope (Undertale AU's x Reader) DISCONTINUED/BEING REWRITTENWhere stories live. Discover now