Winter Headcanons!

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To make up for shit, this is the guys when you're sick. (Possibly a future chapter.)

Imagine the boys or whoever you want, lock you out in the harsh cold snow. Why? Just cause.

They leave you there, in nothing but your sleepwear. Opening the door they find you sitting on the stairs, shivering, sneezing every 2 seconds.


❄️ First off, days by your side the whole time. Only leaving when he needs to eat, even then he brings the food upstairs and eats with you.

❄️ You rarely get sick and when you are, the boys have never seen you sick so Sans has no idea what the hell to do.

❄️ Skeletons don't have lots of diseases so he does this research intensely

❄️ When I say intense, I mean I n t e n s e

❄️ Tends to all your needs. Need your phone but it's downstairs, snap of his fingers. Need to the bathroom, carries you himself

❄️ Waits outside though

❄️ Gives you hot chocolate

❄️ It's good


🎄 Apologizes

🎄 A lot

🎄 He's such a sweetheart about it

🎄 Hugs you so you don't get frostbite

🎄 He's warm

🎄 Makes an amazing chicken soup

🎄 Since skeletons don't get sick like humans, he cuddles with you at night while you two watch a Christmas movie

🎄 He's really warm


🎁 He says sorry

🎁But in reality he thinks it's funny

🎁 Just a little

🎁 Like Sans, he doesn't know how to deal with human sicknesses big or small so he does some research

🎁Helps him relax too

🎁 Asks Edge to make chicken noodle soup because it's delicious

🎁 You love it

🎁 Red isn't prone to illness so if you too were dating, he's have some...

🎁 You know, like Christmas movies and stuff. Cuddling in bed stuff like that

🎁 Plus some sex sometimes


❄️ Acts like he knows what to do

❄️Hint: He doesn't know shit

❄️ So he uses the Undernet

❄️Of course there's nothing on there so he uses the internet

❄️ WiFi's down

❄️ So you explain it to him as you hack and sniffle the whole time

❄️ He's disgusted but sucks it up for you

❄️ Caring, only when the doors are closed

❄️ If someone walks in the he begins to scold you about being stupid to go outside in the first place

A Skeleton's Hope (Undertale AU's x Reader) DISCONTINUED/BEING REWRITTENWhere stories live. Discover now