Time To Celebrate

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| Freedom Day is Here! Some old faces, so new |
| ones, but you get an uninvited guest |

"the hell's all this?"

You and Papyrus turn to Red who was standing but the open double doors that went outside to your backyard. You nail in the string for the paper lamps before answering.

"You really don't know what today is?"

"well yeah, of course i kn-"

Then it hit him.

"tell me you didn't-"

"WE'RE HAVING A PARTY!" Red groaned.

"then i'll be in my room all night." Red turned around about to walk away but you stop him.

"Wait Red! I got you something!" Red perks up at this and turns to you. You slide down the ladder before you grab a thin box with red wrapping. You head to Red before handing it to him.

"Happy Freedom Day! And early birthday."


Whoa whoa whoa whoa wait-!

You knew his birthday?

"Yep! Sans told me, er, slipped it out." Red stares at the box before rolling his eye lights.

"i don't need to be reminded off how old i am." He starts to walk away but you grab his arm and he turns to you.

"Please? At least take it!" Red sighed. He couldn't say no to your cute smil-

'goddamnit red stop doing this!'

He snatches the box out of your hands before heading to his room slamming the door behind him. He tosses the box somewhere in the room, probably never to be found again and plopped on his bed. He takes out his phone and starts scrolling through Facebook, Instagram, etc.



'fuck no.'

Red put his phone away staring at the ceiling. All he did was think-

About you.

He still had no idea what was happening with him. He didn't know if he was sick, or was dying but whenever he was around you or whenever you did the smallest thing, his imaginary stomach felt weird. He hated but loved it at the same time-






You were a mage so it could be some sort of spell. But you didn't have an kind of books or shit to recite one. Besides, he knew you'd never do that-


He looked at the box.

It just sat on his pile of dirty clothes, the wrapping shining from the sun. He sighed and picked it up. He lifted the lid-

A Skeleton's Hope (Undertale AU's x Reader) DISCONTINUED/BEING REWRITTENWhere stories live. Discover now