Time To Talk - 2

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|You had a VERY bad day.|
|And the boys aren't helping|

Note: I have no idea how the justice system works. Nothing I've written may make not legal sense in reality and I did my research on stuff like this as best as I could. Therefore, if someone has information on how this works please let me know. I'd like Hey the story to be as realistic as possible legally wise.

Also you losers get lore in this chapter so lucky you!

Today wasn't normal-

And that's saying something considering you lived with technically 12 guys who were all from different worlds connected by time and space.

But still, it wasn't normal-

It was horrible -

And things, just began to crumble more.



You woke up tired.

You always woke up tired, but this was different.

Fuck were you still worn out by St -


You literally slap yourself.

Don't think about it, it never happened!

You turn over rubbing your eyes as the sun shined through your window. Sitting up, you stretch your arms and legs as you yawn. You turn over to your nightstand to grab your phone-


Your alarm clock...

It wasn't on.

You quickly grab your phone turning it on, eyes wide and quickly jump out of bed grabbing whatever you say laying around your room getting ready for work-

You were late.

By almost three hours.

You don't know why your clock was broken but you'd figure it out later. With the horrific mess staring back at you in the mirror, toothbrush hanging in your mouth, you grab your phone and rush downstairs letting out a quick good morning to your roommates who didn't have jobs (lucky them) before opening your garage and getting in your truck.

This is definitely what you needed right now.


"Mr. G, there is no excuse for me being late but I am so so so SO sorry! You know this isn't like me and I promise it won't happen again." You explain sitting in front of your boss' desk who was reading papers and files you couldn't see.

"Ms. [L/N,]-" Fuck, he was being formal! That's not good!

"-I know you mean well but I'm not in the mood. Corporate has been having problems..." He sighs closing the file he was reading.

" - and I needed to talk to you about something." You nod fiddling with your thumbs.

"I'm laying you off."

That hit hard.

Stuttering, you run a hand through your hair and your other one gripping the chair arm trying not to explode. "M-May I ask why, sir?" He cleared his throat, clearly uncomfortable and ashamed of the situation.

A Skeleton's Hope (Undertale AU's x Reader) DISCONTINUED/BEING REWRITTENWhere stories live. Discover now