Time For "Proper" Introductions

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| New people enter your life |

You slam your fist on your alarm clock, groan for it to shut up as you roll over to the other side of your bed, your cast slightly itchy for some reason. God, you want to sleep in so badly. Couldn't you call in sick? Your boss already let you have a few days off because of your injury.

But you're sadly a responsible person!

Damn you don't see that every day.

Your stomach grumbles at you angrily as you sit up, slower than normal because of the casserole on your leg. You tiredly drag yourself to your bathroom smelling your breath, your face twisting in disgust.

Why did you eat garlic pizza again?

Picking up your toothbrush and paste, your mind wanders as you stare into the mirror reflecting your bed hair and eye bags. The boys called you yesterday, to your annoyance, and you found out they have cousins.

Just... how and why?

Surely Alphys has something related to that somewhere as a record. She was a fucking scientist and she doesn't have any questions about it? Maybe you'll call her up on that later. It's just none of it made sense, why wouldn't anybody tell you about this? Is this why they cut you off?

Because of their family?

Well, if they cut you off because of them...

Were they dangerous?

Then just fucking great, you let dangerous people into your home! Way to go [Y/N!] Thought you were done with murderers and shit.

Whatever, you're not scared! You could kick their asses in a fight no problem! Your sister taught you self-defense for a reason!

You spit out your toothpaste into the sink, wiping your mouth as you exit the bathroom sluggishly limping to your dresser, picking out clothes that'll make you seem like a normal person. You take a glance at the clock above said dresser as you take off your shirt only for your blood to freeze solid.

Shit, you're late for work!!!


This elevator music was starting to get annoying.

C'mon, c'mon, you got two minutes left hurry up you damn box! Why was your floor so high up?!

13, 13th floor, 13 c'mon you're almost there!!!


As soon as the doors slide open, you shove your way through the crowded elevator, almost making it to the front desk. But as your luck with life would have it, you conveniently trip over something and fail to balance which ends up with you leaning forward beginning to fall.

Well, goodbye to the cruel world. The second time you've fallen this week. Maybe karma's gonna give you what you deserve and you could crack your skull open when you fall -

You stop mid-fall as you feel a force of warmth grab you by the shoulders. The shine of black work shoes stares back at you as you're pulled up, looking at the person who caught you. Your savior (sadly) wore a simple choice of dark blue jeans and a black and grey striped sweater. The sounds of a familiar laugh filled your ears as you looked up at said savior.

"Whoa miss, you should be more - [Y/N?!]" The now revealed man exclaimed loudly. His chestnut eyes were filled with mixed emotions of horror and worry as he adjusted his black thinly framed glasses trying to see if he saw you correctly. You let your crutches fall to the ground as you lean forward, falling into his chest and grabbing his shoulders desperately, him holding you in his arms tenderly.

A Skeleton's Hope (Undertale AU's x Reader) DISCONTINUED/BEING REWRITTENWhere stories live. Discover now