Time To Try Something New

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|Blue see you do an old childhood hobby|
|and immediately gets reeled in|

What the fuck?

Seriously, what the fuck!?

Who sells a single loaf of sourdough bread for $14.99!?

Almost fifteen bucks!

Who does this?!

Sighing, you place the bag of bread bag on the shelf rolling the shopping cart away and into the next aisle to the left which was full of spices, seasonings and breedings.

Tonight was your turn to cook dinner for the guys and with twenty people you run out of food quickly so you decided to do this quick errand. In said aisle, you find a familiar skull with his own basket scanning the shelves. You push the cart over to him and he finally turns to you smiling widely.

"ARE YOU DONE MS. [Y/N?] You nod at Blue as he continues to scans the shelves. "I'LL CATCH UP WITH YOU IN THE CAR, THEY DON'T HAVE GLITTER IN THIS AISLE." You nod smiling as you turn the cart to the front of the store.

Yeah, you weren't even gonna try.

Standing in the check-put section, in line behind a man and a basket too wearing an Angels baseball cap backwards. This one was red, with the A matching and the halo white-

Wait a second...

On this hat were multiple stars, the ones you iron on. Those are usually used for karate uniforms with someone moves up a belt, at least some programs do that mainly for children. On impulse, you take the hat off from the man and check inside to find writing in sharpie and multiple happy-go-to stickers and faces some politer then others.

"Wha-Hey! What the big ide-" The man turns around to face you, falling frozen at your face. You make eye contact for a good ten seconds letting you get a good look at his face. The man was a good 5'8, his blond hair pressed down from the hat. He was white, made sense, and eyes as blue as the ocean.

You smirk as you hand him his hat.

"Sorry Michael, I just wanted to see if this piece of crap was yours." You state cockily. He blinks twice still staring at you before it clicks to him and he snatches the hat away from your right hand.

"Piss off [L/N,] the only piece of crap around here is your fashion sense." He grins as you look at him exaggerating being offended. "How dare you?! My fashion sense is that only good thing here!"

"Dude we're at Trader Joe's, everything here's great."

Yeah, except the prices for their bread.

You chuckle as you high five your old friend as he puts his hat back on. He moves forward placing the things from his basket onto the conveyer belt, some of these things being baby formula and diapers. You gasp putting your hands over your mouth.

"Do you-" He looks up at you and then at the baby supplies and laughs nervously scratching the back of his head nodding. You giggle stupidly excited as you begin to ask questions.

"How old?"

"5 months."

"What's the-"


"Who's the-"

"Jane, believe it or not." You gasp as you move around your cart, slowly and awkwardly, before you hug him.

"Congratulations! Wait, why wasn't I invited to a baby shower?"

"We didn't have one. Me and Jane were tired all the time so we just decided we would have one after a few months he was born. Plus I lost your number" He answers pushing you off him laughing.

A Skeleton's Hope (Undertale AU's x Reader) DISCONTINUED/BEING REWRITTENWhere stories live. Discover now